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.So, say them softly if theformula is "softly", or shout them aloud if the formula is "aloud", but change not onemeasure lest thou call something Else, and it be your final hour.Know, seventhly, of the Things thou art to expect in the commission of this Most sacredMagick.Study the symbols well, and do not be afraid of any awful spectre that shallinvade thine operation, or haunt thine habitat by day or by night.Only charge them withthem the words of the Covenant and they will do as you ask, of thou be strong.And ifthou performest these operations often, thou shalt see things becoming dark; and theWanderers in their Spheres shall no more be seen by thee; and the Stars in their placeswill lose their Light, and the Moon, NANNA, by whom thou also workest, shall becomeblack and extinguished,AND ARATAGAR SHALL BE NO MORE, AND THE EARTH SHALLABIDE NOTAnd around thee shall appear the Flame, like Lightning flashing in all directions, and allthings will appear amid thunders, and from the Cavities of the Earth will leap forth theANNUNNAKI, Dog-Faced, and thou shalt bring them down.And the Sign of your Race is this:Which thou shalt wear at all times, as the Sign of the Covenant between thee and theElder Gods.And the Sign of the Elder Ones is this:Which thou shalt wear at all times, as the sign of the Power of the Magick of ENKI.AndI have told thee all this before, but I tell thee again, for the Priest, being furnished withevery kind of Armour, and armed, he is similar to the Goddess.The Place of Calling shall be high in the Mountains, most preferably; or near the Sea; orin some secluded area far from the thoughts of Man; or in the desert; or atop an ancienttemple.And it shall be clean, and free from the unwanted.Thus, the Place, once chosen,shall be purified by supplications to thine particular God and Goddess, and by burningofferings of pine and cedar.And a round load shall be brought, and salt.And, havingoffered it to the personal deities, the Priest shall pronounce, solemnly, the followingexorcism that the Place of Calling be cleansed and all Evil that the Place of Calling becleansed and all Evil banished thereby; and the Priest shall not change one word or letterof this exorcism, but recite it faithfully as it is put down:ENU SHUBAM GIG ABSUKISH EGIGGAGAR SHAG DA SISIE AMARDA YADINGIR UD KALAMA SINIKUDINGIR NINAB GUYU NEXRRANIKUGA YA SHU SHAGMUKU TU!And they Bread burned in the bronze brazier of Calling: and the Salt scattered about theroom, sixty times.And a Circle shall be drawn on the ground, in the midst whereof you shall stand whilereciting the conjurations set forth, taking especial care not to venture forth from theboundaries of the Circle, the holy MANDAL of Calling, lest thou be consumed by theinvisible monsters from the EGURRA of ERESHKIGAL, as was the Priest ABDULBEN-MARTU in a public square in Jerusalem.And the Circle shall be drawn in lime, or barley, or white flour.Or dug in the groundwith the Dagger of INANNA of Calling.Or embroidered in the most precious silk, orexpensive cloth.And the colours thereof shall be only black and white, and no other.And the Frontlet of Calling, and the Standards of Calling, shall all be of fine cloth, and inthe colours of NINIB and INANNA, that is, of Black and White, for NINIB knows theOuter Regions and the ways of the Ancient Ones, and INANNA subdued the Underworldand vanquished the Queen thereofAnd the Crown of Calling shall bear the Eight-Rayed Star of the Elder Gods, and may beof beaten copper, set in with precious stones.And thou shalt bear with thee a Rod of lapis lazuli, the Five-Rayed Star about thy neck,the Frontlet, the Girdle, the Amulet of UR about thine Arm, and a pure and unspottedRobe.And these things shall be worn for the Operations of Calling only, and at other times shallbe put away and hid, so that no eye may see them, save your own.As for the worship ofthe Gods, it is after the fashion of your country, but the Priests of Old were naked in theirrites.And thou shalt put down the Circle.And thou shalt invoke thy God and thy Goddess, buttheir Images must be removed from the altar and put away, unless thou call the Powers ofMARDUK, in which case an Image of MARDUK should be set thereupon, and no other.And the perfumes must be burnt in the brazier this Book.And the Watcher summoned,after Its fashion.And the Four Gates invoked, being the Four Watchtowers that standabout thee and the circumference of the MANDAL and witness the Rites, and Watch theOutside, that the Ancient Ones may not trouble thee
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