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.they are in every sequence.Attack along a Single MeridianA simple way to understand many ofthe combined sequences within the dummyform is to see if they attack along a singlemeridian.Attacking on one meridian is anSmall Intestine Yang Meridian points on the armeffective Dim Mak principle and will causeserious damage to your opponent.Remember that each meridian ismirrored on the left and right side of thebody.You can attack one meridian on oneside, or you can switch from points on thatsingle meridian on the left and on the rightsides of the body.Either way you are stillattacking along the same meridian.Byswitching from left to right sides along asingle meridian you are also using an aspectLarge Intestine Yang Meridian points on the armof the Yin and Yang relationship principleCopyright � Scott Baker 200090 Even though the other meridians dobecause the left of the body is seen as Yin not span from head to toe, they do coverand the right as Yang.some distance and are easily accessible.ForAny acupuncture chart will show example the large intestine meridian has 20you that several meridians span the whole points that start at the tip of the index fingerbody.In fact each meridian either starts or and end right beside the nose.These threeends in the hands or feet.To attack along a meridians span the entire body.single meridian is therefore not difficult,once you understand the path of themeridian and the location of key pointsalong that meridian.Most of the sequences in the dummyform combine different meridian channels inaccordance with the other principles of DimMak, but several attack along a singlemeridian channel.For example theGallbladder meridian has 44 points that startat the outside edge of the eye and end on theoutside edge of the forth toe (next to thelittle toe).Likewise the stomach meridianhas 45 points that start just under the eyeand finish at the end of the second toe.Thebladder meridian has 67 points starting atthe inside edge of the eye, going over thehead and down the back to finish at the littletoe.The Bladder Meridian (Starts inside ofeyebrow, ends at the little toe).Diagramswith permission from Erle Montaigue.Gallbladder Meridian.Stomach Meridian.Copyright � Scott Baker 200091 Each of the 12 meridians can be instructor who understands Dim Mak strikestargeted and attacked specifically.One and revival techniques being present.example of attacking along a single meridianfound within the dummy form is the 5th setwith all the Po-Pai techniques within it.Many of these attacks are along theGallbladder meridian, attacking it on boththe left and right sides of the body.The Gallbladder, Stomach andSpleen meridians all produceunconsciousness or death by fooling thebrain into thinking the bodies blood pressureis too high and therefore causes the brain toquickly lower that pressure.This causes theindividual to faint, or pass out because theUsing the Yin and Yang Relationshipsblood pressure is not really high at all andwhen the brain lowers the pressure quickly,Using the principle of Yin and Yangit reduces the blood flow to the head causingto execute Dim Mak attacks can beunconsciousness, or in severe cases death.accomplished in several ways.EachAgain these points are practiced upon themeridian is paired with another meridian;dummy so as not to injure or put at riskboth being represented by the same element.nother person.Do not strike these points onanother person without a competentYIN Meridians YANG Meridians ElementLung Large Intestine MetalSpleen Stomach EarthHeart Small Intestine FireKidney Bladder WaterPericardium Triple Warmer FireLiver Gallbladder WoodCopyright � Scott Baker 200092 For example the kidney and bladdermeridians are paired under the waterelement with the kidney as the Yin and thebladder as the Yang meridian.Using the YinYang principle you can successfully attackpoints on both the Kidney and bladdermeridians for a successful Dim Mak effect.It is not important to attack the Yin first andthen the Yang; it will work either wayirrespective of the order you attack thepaired Yin/Yang meridians.Some of thefinishing moves in the dummy set illustratethis principle.For example the doublestrikes used to finish the 5th sequence isattacking Liver 14 on the edge of the ribcage (both left and right side) and then eitherGB 1 (the outside corner of the eye), or GB14 (approx.1 inch above the center of theLiver Meridian points on the torsoeyebrow), or GB 12 (behind the ear) usingthis principle (see diagram below).As youcan see from the chart above the liver andGallbladder meridians are paired togetherunder the wood element.There are other ways to apply theYin/Yang principle.As previouslymentioned the left side of the body isconsidered Yin and the right side isconsidered Yang.By crossing the body withpoint attacks you can cause a serious DimMak effect.This is especially true within thehead and neck region.It is possible to attackthe same point on the same meridian locatedon opposite sides of the head, and cause atype of energy short circuit in the systemproducing unconsciousness.Gallbladder Meridian points on the head.(Diagrams with permission from Erle Montaigue)Copyright � Scott Baker 200093 This effect can also be accomplished byattacking different meridian points that areapproximately opposite each other (from leftto right sides of the central plan) in locationon the head and neck.Also attacking eitherfront or back works like this as well.Thefront of the body is Yin and the back isYang.Another application of this principleis to use a Yin attack, a press or squeeze, onone point and a Yang attack, a strike onanother, thus using again a Yin/Yangcombination.By grabbing an opponents hairit is easy to press on the many meridianpoints of the head while striking anotherpoint that is approximately opposite to thelocation of the pressed point.This principleof pressing and striking is represented withinthe dummy sequences.Copyright � Scott Baker 200094 flow of life.Each meridian is consideredThe 24 Hour Energy Cycle & the  Inner active with chi for 2 hours in every 24-hourReverse Flow day.If that meridian is attacked during that2-hour period the effect is somewhatThe chi cycles through all 12 magnified.The 24-hour cycle flows in themeridians every 24 hours.This is the natural following order:YIN YANGLung Large Intestine(3-5am) (5-7am)Spleen Stomach(9-11am) (7-9am)Heart Small Intestine(11am-1pm) (1-3pm)Kidney Bladder(5-7pm) (3-5pm)Pericardium Triple Warmer(7-9pm) (9-11pm)Liver Gallbladder(1-3am) (11pm-1am)There is a whole pile of bullshit In fact the ability to strike thewritten and spoken about this aspect of Dim meridians without concern for the directionMak.The myths about needing to know the of flow points to a little understood realitytime of day for each meridian are not true.among those who have only studiedOther stories about needing to know what acupuncture in an effort to understand Dimsomeone has eaten and when they ate are Mak.Acupuncture uses the flow of energyalso a load of crap.Knowing the time of day diagramed above [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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