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.22.Kevin Fox Gotham,  Tourism Gentrification: The Case of New Orleans Vieux Carr�(French Quarter), Urban Studies 42, no.7 (June 2005): 1109.23.Ibid., 1112.24.Ibid.25.Pat O Rourke, interview by Scott S.Ellis, New Orleans, March 20, 2005.26.Gotham,  Tourism Gentrification, 1108.27.Elizabeth Mullener,  The Locals: Drawn by Charm, Driven Outby Crowds, Times-Picayune, May 16, 1994.28.Gotham,  Tourism Gentrification, 1111.The moratorium was revised in 1982 topermit new hotels in existing Quarter buildings, but retained zoning requirements.29.Coleman Warner,  Decatur Street Hotel Sued Over Expansion, Times-Picayune,March 31, 1998.30.Anthony Marino, e-mail to Scott S.Ellis, October 8, 2006.31.Gotham,  Tourism Gentrification, 1111.32.Bruce Eggler,  Quarter Hotel Plan Is Withdrawn, Times-Picayune, August 3, 2006.33.Skye Moody,  Illegal Guesthouses Start Row in Quarter, Times-Picayune, July 18,1997.34.David A.Fahrenthold,  Wakeup Call Placed for Illegal N.O.Inns; City TargetsGrowth of Bed-and-Breakfasts, Times-Picayune, July 19, 1999.35.Tom Bissell, interview by Scott S.Ellis, New Orleans, March 19, 2005.36.Department of the Interior, National Park Service, New Orleans Jazz NationalHistorical Park, New Orleans Jazz History Walking Tours: Central Vieux Carr� Brochure,http://www.nps.gov/jazz/historyculture/upload/central-vc.pdf (accessed November 7, 2005).37.Rebecca Mowbray,  The New Bourbon Royalty, Times-Picayune, February 10, 2002.38.Robert Simmons,  New Orleans, America s Most Exotic City, Coronet, March 1956,84 85.39.Mowbray,  The New Bourbon Royalty.40.New Orleans Planning Commission Master Plan, Sections 8.8.1, Campanella, Time and Place in New Orleans (Gretna, LA: Pelican Publishing,2002), 138 139. 284 notes42.Gregory Roberts,  Burgers, Baubles, Baseball Caps, Times-Picayune, July 13, 1996.43.Ibid.44.Ibid.45.Catherine M.Vesey,  Tourism as Community Development: A Comparative Analysisof the Vieux Carr� and the Lower Garden District from 1950 to 1990, University of NewOrleans, College of Urban and Public Affairs, 1999, 5, http://louisdl.louislibraries.org/CUPA/image/9927192072004_VESEY.pdf (accessed August 17, 2005).46.Charles Y.W.Chai,  Who Rules New Orleans? A Study of Community PowerStructure, Louisiana Business Survey 2 (October 1971): 10.47.Mowbray,  The New Bourbon Royalty.48. 11 Most Endangered Places, National Trust for Historic Preservation, www.nationaltrust.org/11most/list.asp (accessed January 2003).49.Louisiana Revised Statutes, Section 25-737,  Powers of Historic DistrictCommissions.50.Vieux Carr� Property Owners, Residents & Associates v.Brown, No.87-3700, U.S.District Court, Eastern District of Louisiana, September 21, 1987, summarized as Case 133,Advisory Council on Historic Preservation, www.achp.gov/book/case133.html (accessedAugust 31, 2006).51.Clarence Doucet,  Bourbon House Declared Dead, Times-Picayune, October 1, 1964.52.Nathan Chapman, interview by Scott S.Ellis, New Orleans, September 29, 2006.53.Elliot Parker, Newsrooms Under Siege: Crime Coverage and the Louisiana PizzaKitchen Murders (Mt.Pleasant, MI: Central Michigan University, 1997).54.Michael Wilkinson, interview by Scott S.Ellis, New Orleans, January 28, 2006.55.Ibid.Used by permission.56.George Tresch, interview by Scott S.Ellis, New Orleans, July 29, 2006.57.Lili LeGardeur,  Has Cabrini Park Gone to the Dogs?, Times-Picayune, May 23, 2002.58.J.William Thompson,  Almost Another Country, Landscape Architecture, AmericanSociety of Landscape Architects, July 2003, http://www.asla.org/lamag/lam03/july/feature1.html (accessed March 15, 2008).59.Mike Early, interview by Scott S.Ellis, New Orleans, July 29, 2006.60.John Foley and Mickey Lauria,  Plans, Planning and Tragic Choices, University ofNew Orleans, College of Urban and Public Affairs, 1999, 13, http://louisdl.louislibraries.org/CUPA/image/50123202072004_ACSP299.pdf (accessed August 17, 2005).61.Ibid., 14.62.Ibid., 19.63.Ibid., 19.Quote used by permission.64.John Foley and Mickey Lauria,  Historic Preservation, Urban Revitalization,and Value Controversies in New Orleans French Quarter, University of New Orleans,College of Urban and Public Affairs, 2000, 26, http://louisdl.louislibraries.org/CUPA/image/38743202072004_UUA.pap.pdf (accessed August 17, 2005).65.Anthony Marino,  Part V, Acquiring Community Support and Managing the Politics.  Presented at Fundamentals of Real Estate Development, August 9, 2006, NewOrleans.66.Greg Thomas,  If You Build It, Will They Come?, Times-Picayune, July 23, 1997.67.Bruce Eggler,  Bienville Will Get Digs in the Quarter, Times-Picayune, December 9,1993.68.Blake Pontchatrain (pseud.),  New Orleans Know It All, Gambit, August 2, 2005.69.Lyle Saxon, Fabulous New Orleans (New York: The Century Company, 1928), 189 192;Herbert Asbury, The French Quarter: An Informal History of the New Orleans Underworld(New York: Garden City Publishing, 1938), 153. notes 28570.City of New Orleans and the Vieux Carr� Commission v.Board of Directors of theLouisiana State Museum, James Sefcik; Tammany Contracting Company; and the Departmentof Culture, Recreation and Tourism, No [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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