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."Bear with me, old friend.I fear before we part this evening I will have answered all your questions and more.Tell me,have you heard of a Sir Jared Surcliffe and some woman called the Firekeeper? Who are they and what is their relation toLady Melina?"Grateful Peace fancied he saw a glimmer of understanding in Xarxius's deep-shadowed eyes as the other sipped his wine,pausing, perhaps, to frame his answer in light of some private knowledge of his own."Sir Jared Surcliffe," Xarxius said, as if reciting from some dossier visible only to himself, "is a cousin of House Kestrel,the land that lies across the White Water River on our southwestern boundary.Although without fortune himself, he has thepatronage of Earl Kestrel.He is gaining renown as a healer in his own right and is said to have been favored by CrownPrincess Sapphire and her newlywed husband after they were injured in the recent assassination attempt this despite someunhappiness on the part of the established healers of Bright Bay."Firekeeper there is no 'the' preceding the name as far as I have heard is also connected to House Kestrel.She is theadopted daughter of Earl Kestrel in this capacity she is known as Lady Blysse.However, I have been told she prefers theother name."Lady Blysse's preadoption lineage is somewhat more in doubt.Many believe her to be the daughter of King Tedric'syoungest son, Prince Barden, who was disowned by his father after he disobeyed his father's wishes and attempted to establisha colony west of the Death Touch Mountains.Others doubt this, stating she could be one of any number of children takenalong on the expedition."Whatever the case, like Princess Sapphire, Firekeeper was considered a possible candidate as King Tedric's heir.Althoughhe did not choose her, rumor says that she remains a favorite of his."Xarxius ate a few bites of his meal, then ran his tongue lightly around his lips before continuing."It is also said that Firekeeper is in some way magically gifted though fearing sorcery as they do, those of Hawk Havendo not state it precisely that way.What is not in doubt is that she commands two beasts a peregrine falcon and a timber wolf who obey her slightest whim.I saw the girl myself when I was an observer at the recent war, and while I was in noposition to judge whether she is magically gifted or not, I will say without question that she is very odd."Grateful Peace nodded.Xarxius's account was filling in gaps in what he recalled."One more question," Peace said."Then I promise to tell let you dine while I tell you all I know.I also promise to answerany questions you may present.""Fair," Xarxius agreed."Ask.""What if any relationship do these two have with Lady Melina Shield? I don't just mean kinship though I know theHawk Havenese count this as important.I am also interested in matters of personal history.""Well," Xarxius drawled, and Peace could see the true smile within the paint, "Lady Blysse this Firekeeper did slayLady Melina's brother."Peace blinked and Xarxius, with a chuckle, continued:"Lady Melina's brother was Prince Newell, the widower of Tedric's second child, his daughter Lovella.Although it hasbeen kept somewhat quiet probably in the interests of sparing House Gyrfalcon embarrassment Prince Newell attempted tomurder King Tedric during the final battles of King Muster's War."Peace nodded.He remembered reading a report of this, though he didn't think the report had emphasized that PrinceNewell was a Shield.He thought he might have assumed that Newell was of Tedric's own house.It was so difficult to keep these foreign relationships straight! Moreover, Peace's own duties involved internal politics, not external."Prince Newell would probably have succeeded," Xarxius said around a mouthful of bread, "but this Firekeeper somehowgot wind of what he was doing and interrupted him.I understand that she herself was nearly slain in the process."Smiling ironically, Peace nodded again."So Lady Melina has reason to hate this Lady Blysse.""Reason enough," Xarxius agreed."Now, tell me, is it coincidence that you ask me these questions just a few days after myown informants reported to me that this very Lady Blysse and Sir Jared along with several companions have come toDragon's Breath and are dwelling here? Their apparent purpose is to pursue the practice of medicine, but my informants tellme that Lady Blysse and an intimate companion one Derian Carter, who incidently is an advisor to King Tedric have beenprowling the city as if seeking something.""It is no coincidence," Grateful Peace replied.Concisely, but omitting not one essential detail, he told Xarxius about thenews Kistlio had brought that afternoon and how Lady Melina had reacted."And you feared for the safety of our honored guest," Xarxius said when he finished."How admirable!"Peace did not have to have known his fellow Three for these past fifteen years to hear the hint of sarcasm in his voice."I think not," he said."I have reason not to fear for Lady Melina, but to fear her."Xarxius stared at him for a long moment.Then slowly, portentously, he nodded assent."I, too, fear her.I know, I know," he added hastily, "I was among those who agreed that her interesting proposal was worthpursuing although I noted to Apheros that a mind which could come up with such an intricate plan involving so many levelsof betrayal bore careful watching."Xarxius's voice dropped to a hound-dog bay."But I never believed that she possessed such power as she has shown here [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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