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.In 1890 the county seat was moved fromMargaret to Quanah.57.Morris, A Private in the Texas Rangers, 28 (first quotation), 60 (second quo-tation).Paine spelled the sheriff s name incorrectly as  Alley. Paine, McDon-ald, 56.58.Morris, A Private in the Texas Rangers, 16, 41, 47, 52 54, 66 68, 147(quotation).{ }3 2 1 NOTE S59.Ibid., 47.60.Ibid., 16, 47 49, 58, 60 61, 116, 121 23, 125 26, 165 66; Paine, McDon-ald, 59 64.61.Morris, A Private in the Texas Rangers, 4 ( boys ), 38 ( Soft Voice ), 51( McDonnell ).62.Ibid., 132 (diary story and editor s quotation); MRCB for May 1887, RR-AGR.63.Samuel A.McMurry to Adj.Gen.W.H.King, Oct.8, 1888, GC-AGR;Morris, A Private in the Texas Rangers, 50, 74 75, 105, 112 15, 130, 147.64.MRCB for Dec.1886, RR-AGR.65.Morris, A Private in the Texas Rangers, 58.66.Paine, McDonald, 66.67.Frank McGhee to Gov.L.S, Ross, July 1, 1887 (with newspaper clipping),McMurry to King, July 2, 1887, Dec.3, 1887, Jan.31, 1888, GC-AGR; Mor-ris, A Private in the Texas Rangers, 61, 70 72, 75, 78, 112 13, 125 27, 134 35,146, 181 82, 199 201, 208 09, 239 40, 243 44; Paine, McDonald, 55 56,58 59, 64 68.68.Paine, McDonald, 68.69.Morris, A Private in the Texas Rangers, 208.70.Ibid., 47.71.Ollie Perry, Service Records, AGR.McDonald informed a Panhandle res-ident that a Ranger captain had no  authority to appoint Special Rangers:only the adjutant general could do that.McDonald to G.H.Eubank, Sept.27,1893, GC-AGR.The use of Special Rangers resulted from the actions ofAdjutant General Wilburn H.King in the 1880s.He reasoned that the lawcreating the Ranger force in 1874 provided for 450 men.If the total numberof paid Rangers in the regular companies dropped below this figure in finan-cial emergencies, then unpaid, sworn-in Special Rangers could be appointedto take their place as long as the total number of all men assigned to thecompanies did not exceed 450.King to George A.Helm, Apr.11, 1889, LPB-AG-AGR.72.McDonald to Adj.Gen.Thomas Scurry, May 27, 1901, GC-AGR.McDonald is listed in the muster and pay rolls of the Frontier Battalion as aSpecial Ranger from March 18, 1889, to Nov.30, 1890.Paine stated thatMcDonald became a Special Ranger after an unsuccessful hunt with a possefor the Brooken gang.Paine, McDonald, 66.Another author has McDonaldbecoming a Special Ranger in the summer of 1887.Morris, A Private in theTexas Rangers, 60, 132.The records do not support either position.73.Cotner, Hogg, 177, fn.22; Hogg to McDonald, July 22, 1889, Letter PressBook, Attorney General Records, Archives Division, Texas State Library,Austin, Texas; MRCB for Dec.1889, RR-AGR.For other correspondencewith the attorney general, see John Craddock, office assistant, to McDonald,Dec.12, 1889, Letter Press Book, Attorney General Records.In the summer{ }3 2 2 NOTESof 1890, McDonald requested requisition papers for a horse thief located inOklahoma.The adjutant general sent him the proper forms to be filled out.King to McDonald, Aug.4, 1890, LPB-AG-AGR; McDonald to King, July 21,1890, GC-AGR.74.McDonald to King, Nov.9, 1889, GC-AGR.75.Paine, McDonald, 87.This author stated that McDonald was alsoappointed a federal deputy marshal for the Southern District of Kansas.Ibid.,67.76.Ibid., 69 125.Paine s account of McDonald confuses not at all uncom-monly the Cherokee Outlet with the Cherokee Strip, a narrow piece of landabove the Outlet in southern Kansas.Ibid., 99, 104 5, 115.See the definitionsof these areas in Ramon F.Adams, Western Words: A Dictionary of the AmericanWest (1944; rev.ed., Norman: University of Oklahoma Press, 1968), 62.77.Sheriff I.H.Lefors to Hogg, July 21, 1889, GC-AGR.78.McMurry to King, Aug.9, 1889, GC-AGR.79.Paine, McDonald, 141.80.Ibid., 139 42.81.McDonald to Hogg, Dec.12, 1890, GR.82.Britton to Adj.Gen.William H.Mabry, Jan.19, 1891, McMurry to Mabry,Jan.18, 1891, petition to the adjutant general, Jan.20, 1891, GC-AGR; Spe-cial Orders, 1870 1897, Ledger 401-1012, p.256, RR-AGR.See also musterand pay rolls from December 1, 1890 to May 31, 1891, AGR.The acknowl-edgment of Britton s application for the captaincy by the adjutant generalcame in a letter to the Ranger dated Jan.24, 1891 in LPB-AG-AGR.Mabrynoted that McDonald would be the new captain.For short biographicalaccounts of McMurry, Britton, and the other members of Company B, seeMorris, A Private in the Texas Rangers, 251 90; and Robert W.Stephens, TexasRanger Sketches (Dallas: Privately printed, 1972).83.G.Brown to Hogg, Jan.12, 1891, GR.For views about the personal life ofthe new captain hunting, gambling, and singing at a church service, see Mor-ris, A Private in the Texas Rangers, 106, 111 12, 149, 175, 254.CHAPTER 3: CAPTAIN BILL AND COMPANY B IN THE PANHANDLE1.McDonald to Mabry, Feb.19, 1891 (first quotation), Apr.11, 1891 (secondquotation), GC-AGR.2.Summation of undated newspaper story, Card File Index 144, newspapercollection of Wichita Falls Times, WPA Historical Survey Project, BarkerTexas History Collections, Center for American History, University of Texasat Austin.A similar account appeared in another newspaper [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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