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.See Literary World under 89,Crusaders Tower 54 Melville, Jane Louisa 278, 300 FCrusades 48 Dempsey on Moby-Dick 150, 278, Fairie Queen, The (Spenser) Cuban Pirate, The 83 Derwent 52 61, 64 300 184 185Culture and Anarchy (Arnold) Descartes, Ren� 190 191, and  On the Sea Serpent faith 56, 60, 62 63, 225261, 274 276, 326 180 Falconer, William 164Culturist and Gazette 214 215 desertion Duyckinck, George 8, 278  Fall of Richmond, The 90,Cumberland (ship) 83 in Mardi 118 Dwight, Timothy 19 90 Cumberland, The 83 by Melville 4, 226, 259 Falsgrave, Mr.188 189, 195,Cupid 181, 183 in Omoo 165, 166 E 196Curtis, Catherine Gansevoort in Typee 227 228  Eagle of the Blue, The 85  Falstaff s Lament Over Prince283 in White-Jacket 244 eagles 85 Hal Become Henry V 91Curtis, George William 219, deserts 53, 62, 98, 102 Early, Jubal 217 fame 221224  Devotion of the Flowers to education, Melville s 3 Farnoopoo 171 172, 176Curtis, Samuel R.101 102 Their Lady, The 83 84 Egbert 75, 77, 79, 80, 327 Farnowar 171 172, 176Cushing, William Barker 21 Dickens, Charles 265 266 Egypt 85, 95, 100, 102, 201  Far Off-Shore 91Custom House 8, 9, 274 Diderot, Denis 276, 286 elder, the 52, 64 Farragut, David 25, 26, 45Cuticle, Cadwallader 248, 253 Dimock, Wai-Chi 250 Elijah (biblical figure) 54, 158 fate 51, 107, 135, 142, 149,Cyclades (islands) 20, 221 Diogenes 18, 276 Elijah (character) 138, 139, 187, 269, 280Cylinder 245, 253 diptychs 181 183, 198 199, 158 Faulkner, William 156, 312Cymbeline (Shakespeare) 184 224 226 Eliot, T.S.63 Faust (Goethe) 286Cynics 18, 276  Dirge for McPherson, A 84 Ellis, William 125, 226 Fayaway 230 233, 236,Cypriote, the 56, 64, 84  Disinterment of the Hermes Emerson, Ralph Waldo 23, 79, 237 238Cyril 64 84 259, 267, 279, 331 Fedallah 142 150, 152, 158,displacement 10  Encantadas, The 85 88 316D  Ditty of Aristippus, The 84 commentary on 87 88 Fenn, Mrs.Deacon CurtisDaggoo 139, 158  Diver, The (Schiller) 101 publication of 88, 223, T.162 Dairyman s Child, The 83 Divine Comedy (Dante) 275 320 Ferdinand I (emperor ofDana, Richard Henry, Jr.133, Dix & Edwards 184, 185, 276 sources for 85 86, 276 Austria) 321226, 275, 275, 325, 327, 333 Djalea 53, 58, 64, 277 synopsis of 86 87 Ferdinand II (king of the TwoDanby 206, 213 dogs 86 87  Tortoise Book and 223 Sicilies) 45, 183Dansker 35 36, 43 Dole, Sanford B.290 Enceladus the Titan 192  Fiddler, The 91 Index 385Fidele (riverboat) 68, 76, 80  Frenzy in the Wake, The 93 German, John 176, 301 Greenlander, the 205, 213Field, David D.19  Frigate, and Ship Flyaway, Gethsemene, Garden of 50, Greylock, Mount 184, 185, Field Asters 92 The 86 52 287 Figure-Head, The 92  Fruit and Flower Painter 93  Gettysburg.The Check. 94 Griggs, George 287first lieutenant 37, 38, 43 44 Fry, Thomas 72, 80 Gibbon, Edward 16 Griggs, Helen Maria MelvilleFitzgerald, F.Scott 312 Ginger Nut 25 287, 307, 308Flask 139 149, 152, 153, 158 G Girard, Stephen 34, 286 grog 245, 246Fleece 155, 158 Gabriel 144, 158  Give Me the Nerve 94  Ground Vine Intercedes withflogging 280 Gage, Thomas 268 Glasgow (ship) 218, 219, 224 the Queen of Flowers forin Billy Budd 35, 41, 251 Gal�pagos Islands 85 88 Glaucon 52 53, 64 the Merited Recognition ofin  Bridegroom-Dick 45 Galena, Illinois 224, 280, Glendinning, General 186 Clover, A 95 96Melville s experience with 304 305 187, 195, 196 Gulliver s Travels (Swift) 2265, 250, 280 Gama, Vasco de 46 Glendinning, Mary 186 189,  Gun-Deck 205, 213in White-Jacket 243, Gansevoort, Catherine.191, 194 195, 196 197 Guy, Captain 165 169, 174,246 251, 280, 281 See Lansing, Catherine Glendinning, Pierre 185 196, 176Floral Tableaux 299 Gansevoort 197Florence, Italy 294 Gansevoort, Catherine Gliddon, George R.94 HFly, Eli James Murdock 4, 25, Quackenbush 284, 308 Gnosticism 93 Habbibi 64278, 280 281 Gansevoort, Catherine Van Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von Hadrian (Roman emperor) 295Fly, Helen 280 Schaick 283, 285, 309 133, 190, 286 Hafiz (poet) 98Fogo (island) 93 94 Gansevoort, Guert 45, 273,  Gold in the Mountain 94  Haglets, The 96, 111food 283, 326 Goneril 70 71, 80 Hair, Richard Melville 286in  Bartleby 23, 24 Gansevoort, Hans 335 good and evil Haitian Revolution 29Pythagoras on 320 Gansevoort, Harmen in Billy Budd 39, 42 Hakim, al- 277in Redburn 209 Harmense Van 284 in The Confidence Man Hakluyt, Richard 134on whalers 333 334 Gansevoort, Henry Sanford 8, 77 Hall, James 79, 81in White-Jacket 245 103, 217, 284, 306, 309 in  The Encantadas 88 Halyard, Harry 334foolscap 181, 182 Gansevoort, Herman 174, 185, in  Fragments of a Lost Ham (biblical figure) 123Ford, William 110, 111 284, 308 Gnostic Poem 93 Hamlet (Shakespeare) 73 75,  Formerly a Slave.  92, 222 Gansevoort, Leonard 283, 285 in  The Maldive Shark 189, 195Forrest, Edwin 225, 262, 303 Gansevoort, Maria [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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