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."AroundTheSprings"; E482| --WILL.BLAKEED; E482| * t1217title; E482| To Mrs Ann FlaxmanToMrsAnnFlaxman1; E482| A little Flower grew in a lonely ValeToMrsAnnFlaxman2; E482| Its form was lovely but its colours.paleToMrsAnnFlaxman3; E482| One standing in the Porches of the SunToMrsAnnFlaxman4; E482| When his Meridian Glories were begunToMrsAnnFlaxman5; E482| Leapd from the steps of fire & on the grassToMrsAnnFlaxman6; E482| Alighted where this little flower wasToMrsAnnFlaxman7; E482| With hands divine he movd the gentle SodToMrsAnnFlaxman8; E482| And took the Flower up in its native ClodToMrsAnnFlaxman9; E482| Then planting it upon a Mountains browToMrsAnnFlaxman10; E482| 'Tis your own fault if you dont flourish nowToMrsAnnFlaxman; E482| WILLIAM BLAKEt1218ED; E482| [The Pickering Manuscript]title; E482| The SmileTheSmile1; E482| There is a Smile of LoveTheSmile2; E482| And there is a Smile of DeceitTheSmile3; E482| And there is a Smile of SmilesTheSmile4; E482| In which these two Smiles meetTheSmile5; E482| And there is a Frown of HateTheSmile6; E482| And there is a Frown of DisdainTheSmile7; E482| And there is a Frown of FrownsTheSmile8; E482| Which you strive to forget in vainED; E482| *TheSmile9; E483| For it sticks in the Hearts deep CoreTheSmile10; E483| And it sticks in the deep Back boneTheSmile11; E483| And no Smile that ever was smildTheSmile12; E483| But only one Smile aloneTheSmile13; E483| That betwixt the Cradle & GraveTheSmile14; E483| It only once Smild can beTheSmile15; E483| But when it once is SmildTheSmile16; E483| Theres an end to all Misery ED; E483| *t1219title; E483| The Golden NetTheGoldenNet1; E483| Three Virgins at the break of dayTXTReyn155; E656| [155].even works of Genius, like every other effect,.TXTReyn155; E656|.must have their cause,.AnnReyn155; E656|TXTReyn157; E656| [P 157].our minds should.continue a settledTXTReyn157; E656| intercourse with all the true examples of grandeur.AnnReyn157; E656|TXTReyn157; E656| The mind is but a barren soil; a soil which is soonTXTReyn157; E656| exhausted, and will produce no crop,.AnnReyn157; E656|TXTReyn158; E656| [P 158].or only one, unless it be continuallyTXTReyn158; E656| fertilized and enriched with foreign matter.AnnReyn158; E656| NonsenseTXTReyn159; E657| [P 159] Nothing can come of nothing.AnnReyn159; E657| TXTReyn159; E657|.Michael Angelo, and Raffaelle, were.possessedTXTReyn159; E657| of all the knowledge in the art.of theirTXTReyn159; E657| predecessors.AnnReyn159; E657| If so.they knew all that Titian & Correggio knew CorreggioAnnReyn159; E657| was two Years older than Mich.AngeloAnnReyn159; E657| Correggio born Mich Angelo [on]TXTReyn161; E657| [P 161].any endeavour to copy the exact peculiarTXTReyn161; E657| colour.of another man's mind.must always be.TXTReyn161; E657| ridiculous.AnnReyn161; E657|TXTReyn163; E657| [P 163] Art in its perfection is not ostentatious; it liesTXTReyn163; E657| hid, and works its effect, itself unseen.AnnReyn163; E657|TXTReyn165; E657| [P 165] Peculiar marks.generally.defects;.TXTReyn165; E657|.AnnReyn165; E657| Peculiar Marks.are the Only MeritTXTReyn165; E657| Peculiarities.so many blemishes; which, however, bothTXTReyn165; E657| in real life, and in painting, cease to appear deformities,.AnnReyn165; E657| Infernal FalshoodTXTReyn166; E657| [P 166] Even the great name of Michael Angelo may be used,TXTReyn166; E657| to keep in countenance a deficiency.of colouring, and everyTXTReyn166; E657| [other ornamental part]AnnReyn166; E657| No Man who can see Michael Angelo.can say that he wantsAnnReyn166; E657| either Colouring or Ornamental parts of Art.in the highestAnnReyn166; E657| degree.for he has Every [perquisite] of BothAnnReyn166; E657| [O what Wisdom & Learning ?adorn his Superiority--]TXTReyn167; E657| [P 167].these defects.have a right to ourTXTReyn167; E657| pardon, but not to our admiration.AnnReyn167; E657| He who Admires Rafael Must admire Rafaels ExecutionAnnReyn167; E657| He who does not admire Rafaels Execution Cannot AdmireAnnReyn167; E657| RafaelTXTReyn172; E657| [P 172].a want which cannot be completely supplied;TXTReyn172; E657| that is, want of strength of parts. AnnReyn172; E657| A ConfessionTXTReyn176; E657| [P 176].very finished artists in the inferiorTXTReyn176; E657| branches.AnnReyn176; E657| This Sentence is to Introduce another in Condemnation &AnnReyn176; E657| Contempt of Alb [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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