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.Had he taken Langham off guard with hisorchestrating? Sent him a little off-kilter thatOliver appeared to be calling the shots? Hewondered whether Langham would fight to getcontrol back or if he d allow him to continue.Oliver had to admit the thrill running him throughhim at the thought of a battle was a welcome anddamn pleasing sensation.He d gained a sense ofsecurity with Langham offering to share his home,had felt the uncertainty melt away on the journeyback here.He d never thought they d reach thispoint had hoped for it more times than he couldcount but no, he d never thought they d actuallybe here, now, like this. I fucking want you so bad, Oliver said as hebroke his mouth away, coasting his lips to anearlobe, sucking it into his mouth and swirlinghis tongue around it.Langham groaned again, all throaty andcoated with lust, the reverberation of soundhumming through that lobe and onto Oliver stongue.309 SUGAR STRANDS You ve got me, Langham said,  for as long asyou want me.Hands it seemed they both owned more thana pair each as they stood there touching, breathsuneven.Oliver s cock strained again as Langhamstreaked his tongue tip up and down Oliver sneck.That was unfair.That action always undidhim, bringing on shivers that spread outeverywhere he could feel.Always made him wantto give in and let Langham do whatever the fuckhe liked for however long.Oliver stepped back, breaking body contactcompletely, and stared at Langham.He staredback, a blush on his cheeks, his lips plump fromkissing.He looked as though he was working outwhether to make the next move or not.Whetherit was Oliver s turn to take the lead.Whetherfinding out where Oliver would take them wouldbe as exciting as him being dominant. Bedroom, Oliver said, the word full of breathand not much bluster, even though he d tried toinject a commanding edge.Do it.Just tell it like itis, how it s going to be tonight. Get in there andget undressed.Wait on the bed.310 SARAH MASTERSLangham raised both eyebrows, his mouthhinting at a smile, lips then parting to releasewords Oliver assumed were bursting to come out.But he didn t say a word, just eyed Oliver forenough seconds to make him wonder if he d beable to carry this through. Go on! Oliver said, chest heaving asadrenaline began a speeding search-and-findthrough his body, seeking every part of him withintent to either make him whither under thatstare or grow bolder.Langham walked away, out of Oliver speripheral vision.He didn t dare look to see if theman had gone in the direction of the bedroom,whether his command had actually been obeyed.He just hoped it had, because if it hadn t, he d feeland look all kinds of fool.Waiting a few beats,Oliver undressed, leaving his clothes where theylanded.He took a deep breath to combat thesurging excitement, nerve endings pinging andsparking.Without a doubt, this was the boldestthing he had ever done with a man, taking controllike this.It wasn t as alien as he d feared whenimagining it, kind of fitted like it was a piece of311 SUGAR STRANDShim that had always been there but he d beenunable to find.After another huge breath, he walked to thebedroom doorway, keeping his gaze steady, rightin front of him and not on the floor.The bed stoodopposite, and Langham had propped himself upon it, pillows behind his back and head.Reliefpoured into Oliver, jiving with the frazzled nervesand adrenaline, and he swayed a little, reachingout to steady himself with one hand on thedoorframe. You look good standing there like that,Langham said, studying Oliver s mid-section withgreedy eyes. I could just get up and lick you allover.Every damn inch.Oliver held back a gasp.Langham wasn tplaying fair, but that was to be expected.He wastesting him, gently pushing to see if Oliver couldhandle what he d started.It was a good thing,that.Oliver gathered his mettle, absolutelydetermined not to allow Langham the upperhand, the ability to have him caving underpressure, Langham retaking the dominant role [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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