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.Kai s cheeks reddened, and he gripped the steering wheel until theleather squeaked. I promise you.I m going to teach you to love mytouch.None of the others get you this time.Nobody but me.Tyr studied Kai s profile.In his own way Kai loved him, and he didn tknow why he had never seen it.Kai had been cruel, almost punishing Tyrfor something, although he couldn t imagine what.Now he wondered ifKai hated the weakness he felt for Tyr and took it out on him rather thanaccept it.57Heal My Wolf Eden ColeIf Tyr had known that years ago, maybe it would have made adifference.He could have reached out to Kai and helped him somehow.But it was too late.Tyr would love only Brandt no matter who claimed hisbody.* * * *Brandt shot down the road with his foot heavy on the gas and thewindow open.Joining in the search for Devin helped keep his mind off ofTyr.He d seen the pain in his lover s eyes when he pushed him away.Worse, he d seen the glee in Kai s.Brandt gritted his teeth.If he hurt him,if he heard even a whisper that Kai had snapped at Tyr, he d break thebastard in half.Tyr, Tyr& When had his feelings become so intense? Last night whenthey were alone in the cave? He d opened his heart to Tyr and trusted himas he d never trusted another man.He didn t regret it, but because of it, hehurt that much worse sending him away.He had spoken the truth when hetold Tyr that they weren t bonded.If they were, Brandt wouldn t have felthe could survive without Tyr.He wouldn t be searching for Devin, thatwas for sure.He would have eaten, slept, and breathed Tyr until the needevened out and he could function again.Sweet Tyr.Baby.A familiar scent wafting into the window pulled him from his misery.He recognized it as Devin and pulled off to a dirt road just ahead.When hewas out of sight of the main thoroughfare, he slipped out of his clothes andshifted to his wolf form.Nose first in the air and then to the ground, hepicked out Devin s scent and followed it.The trail led him another fivemiles on foot, and then the trees opened to a cabin with smoke curling upfrom the chimney.He didn t recognize the place and didn t pick up thatany other wolves had been in the area.However, Devin s scent wasstrong.There was no doubt that he was inside.58Heal My Wolf Eden ColeBrandt regretted not calling one of the others to tell them he picked upon Devin.He d left everything at the truck.Howling might do the trick ifanyone was nearby, but then Devin might bolt.So far he hadn t moved.Brandt shifted back to his human form and walked up to the door.Hedidn t bother knocking.Inside the d�cor was what a hunter might havedesigned, complete with animal heads mounted to the walls.He frowned.Definitely not the abode of a shifter.Devin sat before a roaring fire, unnecessary with the temperatureoutside warm enough to go without a jacket.The place was sweltering. Devin, what are you doing?The alpha didn t turn around.He was dressed.Brandt guessed he musthave parked his pickup around back because he hadn t seen it outside. So you re the one to find me, huh? The one in my shoes? he said.A muscle twitched in Brandt s jaw. I m not in your shoes. So you re not nursing a broken heart? I m not a fool.Devin threw his head back and laughed.He picked up the beer on thetable in front of him and gestured to a chair. Have a seat.You re not afool? That must mean you think I am.Brandt sat.He felt no embarrassment about being naked.A few oftheir people were always just about to shift or fresh from it, so clotheswere optional.All of them felt comfortable in their own skin, as far as heknew. Of course you are.You have a mate a bonded mate who lovesyou.He d do anything for you.And because you don t agree with himarranging for children, you run.Devin s expression turned bitter. Maybe you don t understand. No, I don t.He s there.No danger of someone killing him today ortomorrow.You can go home to him every night and work side by sidewith him every day.Do you know what happened with Tyr yesterday? No,never mind.The fact is if you didn t like Corey fucking a woman, youshould have said so.To his face like a man.Devin surged to his feet. Don t give me that bullshit
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