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.See prayer quorums; syna-lation to Lybed from, 120 gogues and prayer housesplutocrats.See class, upper (wealthy) prayer quorums (minyanim), 29, 30, 94, 97,Podol (neighborhood), xvi (map), xvii 156, 159, 167, 168, 186, 235, 333(map), 34 35, 119, 140 141; bathhouse prostitution, 117and mikvah in, 226; as center of Jewish Pushcha-Voditsa (suburb), 121life in Kiev, 161, 197; as commercialcenter of Kiev, 37; Girls School in, 32;quotas on Jewish students, 102, 124, 196,Jewish merchants in, 112; Jewish traders228, 231, 312, 348n99in, 65; Jewish victims of flood of DneprRiver in, 129, 292; Jewish-owned storesin, 41; pogrom in, 49, 52, 54, 64, 161; rabbinate, Crown, 263, 269 284.See also rab-school district of, 32; surgical clinic in, bis, Crown (state)226; synagogues and prayer houses in, rabbis, 64, 92; Aleshkovskii, Iakov37, 55, 92 93, 112, 121, 157, 159, 240, Meerovich, 283 284; Aronson, Shlomo281, 295 Ha-Cohen, 131, 177; communal, 11, 64;Podol (province), 7, 27, 46 Crown (state), 60, 64, 71, 84, 85, 86 91,pogrom, Kishinev, 122, 261 271; Iampol skii, P.A., 82, 183, 271 272;pogrom, Smela, 265 Lur e, Solomon, 263 264, 269, 272 285,pogrom aid committees, 55, 88, 128, 245 248 298, 302, 310, 315, 366; Neiman, Avram,pogrom of 1881, 44, 48, 49, 51 58, 101, 133 84; Tsukkerman, Joshua (Evsei), 29, 55,pogrom of 1905, 9, 122 130, 144 149 86 88, 92 93, 95, 169, 170, 333poisoning, 48 railway: advent of, 25; expansion of, 26; andPolesie region, 8, 31, 167 importance of cabmen and carters, 42;Poliakov, Jacob, 160 Kiev station, 27, 34, 42; strike, 124 400 INDEXRatner, Mark B., 124, 268, 286, 287, 289, in, 199, 201; interior provinces of, 25, 27,342n126 128, 227; Jewish migration within, 25,religious observance and practice, 92 94, 108, 110, 129, 150; Jews in the, 5, 89,152, 166 170, 178 179 107, 150, 153, 167, 181, 201, 208, 209,Representation for Jewish Welfare: conflict 233, 249, 271, 278, 281, 311, 317; lackwith OPE, 297 298, 299, 304, 305; criti- of organized system of public relief, 212;cism of, 80 85, 182, 235, 242, 270, 274; philanthropic organizations, growth of,Crown rabbi s connection to, 273, 275, in, 237; southern provinces of, 8, 25, 26,279; demand for heder-style curriculum, 48, 49, 51; southwest region of, 1, 3, 7,174; democratization of, 290 300; dis- 8, 25, 26, 27, 39, 47, 55, 76, 107, 108,trict committees for Passover relief, 213; 114, 120, 163, 182, 223, 227, 229, 240,elections of, 237, 241, 264, 290, 297; es- 245, 246, 264, 273, 289, 315; study ex-tablishment of, 79, 96; funds allocated by, amining Jewish culture in, 5; tsar s sus-282, 299; government control of, 69, 75; picions of Jews, 59; Ukrainian provinceshome health organization of, 237; as lo- of, 51, 110, 158, 356n79; western prov-cus of struggles in Kiev, 263; 1908 Gen- inces of, 25, 47eral Meeting of, 300 303; 1913 report of, Russian imperial policies regarding Jews:116, 177, 241; women s lack of participa- analysis of, 356n79; inconsistency in, 98;tion in, 240 241.See also Jewish Welfare Jewish criticism of, 265, 307; and JewishCommittee welfare institutions, 85; Kiev civil soci-revolutionary activity: overview of 1903 ety s resistance to, 207; regarding the in-1907, 261 264; and socioeconomic sta- tegration of Jews into Russian society, 47,tus, 262; unionization during, 262; Zion- 59 60, 63 64, 69, 77, 313; and segrega-ist groups during, 261 262.See also Bund tion, 102, 190 191, 196, 209, 222, 311,ritual bath.See mikvah 367n116Rotmistrovka, 30, 31, 175, 183 Russian Jewry: autonomy of, 62; benefit ofRozenberg family, 126, 155, 228, 239, 240, Brodsky School for, 230; communal gov-242, 308, 334n49, 361n109 ernance of, 60 65; fragmentation of, 2,Rozenberg Prayer House.See Tailors Syna- 18; government plan to control, 17, 59,gogue (Rozenberg) 150, 151, 187; health of, 211, 215, 219,Rozenblat, Moshe, 109, 126, 154, 157, 159, 224; identity of, 10, 14, 18; insecurities184, 306 faced by, 105 106; and Jewish Hospital,running water, 34 218, 225; Kiev as test case for, 79, 151;Russian (language): and acculturation, 50, leadership of, 16, 64, 69, 152, 160, 261,60, 69, 152 153, 184, 188, 193; among 284, 309; notables vision for, 263; andJewish migrants, 32, 106 107, 152, 161 philanthropy, 249; politicization of, 309;162, 163 164, 284, 326n60; and gender, possibility of multiple loyalties of, 12; re-158; library books, 184; literacy, 32, 35, lationship to larger society, 150, 208, 209,36, 37, 50, 107, 175, 186, 239, 326n60; 210, 285; and secularization, 180; ten-performances at Zionist ball in, 181; ser- sions in, 18mons delivered in, 171, 173, 217, 218; Russian Orthodox Church, 8, 46, 180, 206Yiddish words in, 204 Russian Orthodoxy, 44, 47, 180Russian Empire: attempt to transform the russification, 19, 32, 33, 47, 50, 92, 150, 153,Jewish community, 59 60, 62, 73; civil 162, 163, 184, 191, 193, 352n8society in, 2, 9, 103, 190, 191, 194, 207, Russkii kur er (newspaper), 57210, 213, 244, 249, 309, 316, 352n2,354n30; discussion of new history of, 13; Sabbath, 92, 94, 166, 167, 168, 170, 171, 173,growth of nationalism and antisemitism 175, 177 79, 183, 200, 348n112, 350n161 INDEX 401sanatoria: Free Jewish Sanatorium, 163, 201 205.See also women and girls, socie-242; for Jewish tuberculosis patients, 83, ties of; prayer quorums; synagogues and233; for poor Jews, 117, 121, 227, 231, prayer houses; individual entries for societies237, 239 Society for Aid to Poor Jewish Artisans andSankt-Peterburgskie vedemosti (newspaper), 103 Workers, 85Schiff, Jacob, 266 Society for Care of Poor Artisans, 237Schulman, Eliezer, 156 Society for the Dissemination of the Enlight-seamstresses, 41, 113, 114, 116 enment Among the Jews of Russia.See OPEself-governance, Jewish, 59, 61, 79, 309, Society for the Protection of the Health of the311 [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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