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.(This is like saying that dogs living inThe Dull World of Communism99the wild will eventually bear litters of foxes a claim that's totally con-trary to science, of which no instance has ever been observed.) In 1940,Stalin put Lysenko at the head of the Institute of Genetics of the Academyof Sciences of the USSR, and he held this chair for twenty-five years.Lysenko also headed the Lenin All-Union Academy of AgriculturalSciences, one of the Soviet Union's most important institutions.In 1948, it was forbidden to be educated or do research in the area ofclassical genetics.Those geneticists who rejected Lysenko's evolution-ist thesis, and continued to support Mendel's genetic discovery, weresecretly arrested and executed.Meanwhile, Lysenko's agricultural policy created widespread lack ofproductivity.For example, he claimed that putting seeds in cold waterfor a while before being sown, would make them gain resistance to coldweather conditions.To test this hypothesis, he had tons of seeds im-mersed in cold water and then sown on the Siberian steppes.Of course, none of the seeds sprouted.Similar experiments all ended in disaster,but these failures were never spoken ofuntil the 1960s.Finally, in 1964, it was offi-cially acknowledged that Lysenko's theorywas wrong.Great efforts were expended tohave Mendel's genetic discoveries taughtand applied again.Russia moved to theAmerican type of mixed hybridizationmanagement, using dung to fertilize thefields.Even though their nonsensical the-sis had dealt such a great blow to Sovietscience and agriculture, Lysenko and hissupporters didn't abandon their ideas.Infact, they maintained their positions andBecause Lysenkotitles in the Soviet scientific establishment.rejected thelaws of geneticsGenerally, modern evolutionists makefor the the the-no mention of the Lysenko affair, an histori-ory of evolution,cal documentation of the great damageSoviet agricul-that can be inflicted by a blind attachment ture remainedbackward fordecades.Lysenko (top right) explains toSoviet experts the agriculturalproject based on "proletarianscience."to materialism and the theory of evolution.When they do speak ofLysenko's ideas, they dismiss them as a dogmatic form of Lamarckism.Buthe and his supporters were not only Lamarckists, they were alsoDarwinists, regarding Lamarck and Darwin as two complementary evolu-tionist theoreticians.When Lamarck's theory of "inheritance of acquired characteristics"was abandoned as baseless, they realized that left Darwin's theory withno foundation.Therefore, they blindly continued to support Lamarck.In his article "Darwinian Evolution and Human History," the Marxistand Darwinist thinker Robert M.Young comments:Moving nearer to our own time, the belief that society and nature followedlaws which were both evolutionary and communist led to one of the mostdisastrous episodes in the Stalinist regime in the 1930s and 1940sLysenkoism.Nature's laws were said to be dialectical, and any biologist whoadhered to non-orthodox views lost his job, often his liberty, and sometimeshis life.Lysenkoism was an evolutionism which ignored or opposed the in-teresting developments in genetics in the rest of the world.But this wasdone in the name of Darwinism& 56The resistance to the laws of genetics that Soviet administrators ofLysenko's time displayed is just one example of materialist fanaticism.InHere, Lysenko's nonsense theories are explained in detail to Russian peasants whoare forced to implement them.The result was a huge fiasco.the same way that Lysenko and his supporters refused to accept the lawsof genetics, many of today's materialists also close their eyes to the "de-sign" (that is, intentional creation) that science has discovered in all liv-ing things just because of their own ideological prejudices.To produce aviable opposing theory, they have squandered millions of dollars andmany years of labor on research that has come to nothing.Communist Ideology's Effect on Social LifeIn the 20th century, Communist fanaticism has had very negative in-fluences on the social life in countries under their regimes, forcing onpeople a hellish life devoid of compassion, denying the existence of God,alienating them from religion and discounting all spiritual and moralCommunism is a regime of fear.The people are continually intimidated by stern-faced uniformed officials looking down from above.values.It has imprinted on societies a mentality that thinks of human be-ings as chunks of matter that will perish after death, establishing one ofthe most inhuman institutions in history.The Communist system asobserved in the Soviet Union, the Eastern Bloc countries and RedChina intends to create model societies that regard their citizens asherds of animals, just as the materialist-Darwinist theory intended.Some of Communist society's basic tenets can be listed as follows:" Darwin's theory of evolution and Engel's "natural dialectic" regardhuman beings as an advanced species of animal.Therefore, the idea thatsociety is a herd of animals is expressed at every level.Communistregimes produce a cheerless, spiritless, lifeless person, somewhere be-tween a human and a machine
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