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.or.It is, of course,better to do work one likes than work one dislikes427 THEREFORE dlatego teżGIVE ME A SENTENCE WITH THE WORD "THEREFORE" IN IT!/It's a difficult subject; therefore it's necessary to read the bookvery carefully.or.I'm going to the cinema;I must, therefore, have some money NOWADAYS obecnie, terazDO YOU THINK THAT PEOPLE ARE HAPPIER NOWADAYS THAN INTHE PAST ? Yes, I think that people.or.No, I don't think that people.WHY OR WHY NOT ?SUFFER cierpiećWHAT ILLNESSES HAVE YOU SUFFERED FROM ? I've suffered from.WISH (n) życzenieWHAT'S YOUR GREATEST WISH IN LIFE ? My greatest wish in life is.428 EXIST istniećABOUT HOW LONG HAS THIS BUILDING EXISTED FOR? This building hasexisted for.DICTATION 40Birds cannot fly/ faster than planes./ Don't shout!/I can hear you/ quite well enough/when you speak quietly./ The slaves were carrying the sticks into the house/ in order tomake a fire./ From over the lake/ came the sound/ of the church bells.The fat man swam/better/ than his thin friend./ She lost her way/ and was unable to find a policeman./ SomePast Participles of verbs are :- / begun, known, swum,/ taken, shaken, written,/ forgottenand broken./ The word "whether"/ expresses a doubt./ The best way to learn/ how to useit/ is by practice.LESSON 72REMIND " IN OTHER WORDS MEMBERprzypomnieć innymi słowy członekThe difference between the words "remember" and "remind" is that I remembersomething myself, without help, whereas, if I forget something, somebody remindsme of it.In other words, they remember for me.WHAT'S THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN THE WORDS "REMEMBER" AND"REMIND" ? The difference between "remember".is that.429 IF YOU FORGET THE MEANING OF A WORD DURING THE LESSON,WHO REMINDS YOU OF IT?/ If I forget.the teacher. IF YOU HAVE AN IMPORTANT APPOINTMENT TO KEEP, WHICHMEMBER OF YOUR FAMILY REMINDS YOU TO KEEP IT? If I have animportant.my.reminds me.DO I, OR ANYONE IN THIS ROOM, REMIND YOU OF ANY MEMBER OFYOUR FAMILY ? IN OTHER WORDS, DOES ANYONE HERE LOOK LIKEANY MEMBER OF YOUR FAMILY?/ Yes, you remind me of.or.No, neither you nor anyone in this.EVEN " EVEN THOUGH NOT EVENnawet chociaż nawetKEEP AN APPOINTMENT BORN (TO BE BORN)przyjść na spotkanie urodzonyWOULD YOU KEEP AN APPOINTMENT EVEN THOUGH YOU HAD TOWALK THROUGH HEAVY RAIN IN ORDER TO DO SO ? Yes, I'd keep anappointment even.or.No, I wouldn'tkeep an appointment if I had to.IF YOU WERE VERY HUNGRY, WOULD YOU EVEN EAT BAD FOOD?/Yes, if I were very hungry.or.No, even if I were veryhungry, I wouldn't eat bad food430 WILL THERE BE EVEN MORE PEOPLE AND MORE CARS IN THEWORLD IN A FEW YEARS' TIME? Yes, there'll be even more people and.DO YOU EVER STOP AND THINK THAT, EVEN AS WE ARE SITTINGHERE AT THIS MOMENT, THERE IS SOMEBODY DYING SOMEWHERE INTHE WORLD, SOMEBODY BEING BORN, SOMEBODY BEING KILLED INAN ACCIDENT, SOMEBODY BEING MURDERED AND SOMEBODY BEINGMARRIED ?/ Yes, I sometimes stop and think that even.or.No, I never stop.WHY OR WHY NOT? Because I never think of things like that.I'm only interestedin things that happen to me.or.Because I'm interested inwhat is happening to other people.I think it's well toremember sometimes what is happening to otherpeople in the world, especially if they are dyingbecause they have no food.It makes methink how good life is to me.DO YOU KNOW OF A HOUSE OR EVEN A VILLAGE WHERE THEYHAVEN'T EVEN GOT WATER OR ELECTRICITY? Yes, I know of a housewhere they haven't even.or.No, I don't know of.where they haven't even got.WHERE ? 431 TO- AT DIRECTIONdo w kierunekThe difference between the words "to" and "at" is that we generally use "to" whenwe are moving in the direction of something, or somewhere, and "at" when we arethere.For example, "I'm going to the table.Now, I'm at the table" (or, "standing"at the table)./WHAT'S THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN THE WORDS "TO" AND "AT" ?The difference between the words "to" and "at" is that we.GIVE ME AN EXAMPLE, PLEASE! "I'm going to."ARE YOU COMING TO THE SCHOOL ? No, I'm not coming.but I'm atthe schoolARE YOU GOING TO THE WINDOW ? No, I'm not.but I'm sitting at the tableSOON " wkrótce AT ONCE natychmiastIF I GO OUT OF THE ROOM AND SAY "I'LL BE BACK SOON", HOWLONG SHALL I BE ?/ If you go.you'll be perhaps five or ten minutesIF I GO OUT OF THE ROOM AND SAY "I'LL BE BACK AT ONCE",HOW LONG SHALL I BE? If you go.you'll be about one minute,or you'll be back in a very short time432 WILL IT SOON BE SPRING (SUMMER, AUTUMN, OR WINTER) ? Yes, it'llsoon be.WILL THE LESSON SOON BE FINISHED ?/ Yes, the lesson'll soon be finished.or.No, the lesson won't be finished for some time yetHOW SOON DO YOU THINK IT WILL BE BEFORE EVERYBODY IN THEWORLD HAS ENOUGH MONEY IN ORDER TO LIVE A COMFORTABLELIFE ? I think it'll be about.before everybody in.WHICH WOULD GET YOU HOME SOONER: A BUS OR A CAR ? I thinkperhaps a car'd get me home sooner than a busLESSON 73NEED " NORMAL ABNORMAL DEFECTIVEpotrzebować, potrzeba normalny nienormalny wadliwy, ułomny One of the difficulties with the verb "need" is that it is, in fact, two verbs.One is anormal verb, whilst the other is abnormal or defective.For the moment, we'll justthink of it as a normal verb.WHAT IS ONE OF THE DIFFICULTIES WITH THE VERB "TO NEED" ?One of the.is that it is, in fact, two verbs.Oneis a normal verb, whilst the other.WHAT WOULD YOU DO IF YOU NEEDED A HAIRCUT?/ If I needed.I'd go to a hairdresser's433 WHAT DO YOU THINK YOU NEED MORE THAN ANYTHING ELSE INYOUR LIFE ? I think I need.more than.WHAT DO YOU THINK YOUR TOWN NEEDS MORE THAN ANYTHINGELSE ? I think my town needs (more playing fields etc).more than.TO " do TOWARDS w kierunkuWe have two sentences: "I'm going to London" and "I'm going towards London."/ "I'mgoing to London" means that I have the intention of arriving in London; whereas "I'mgoing towards London" usually means I have the intention of going somewhere betweenhere and London, but not necessarily to London./WHAT'S THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN THESE TWO SENTENCES: "I'MGOING TO LONDON" AND "I'M GOING TOWARDS LONDON" ?"I'm going to London" means that.whereas "I'm goingtowards London" means I have.IF I HAD A CAR AND YOU WANTED TO GO TO THE NEXT TOWNFROM HERE, AND I TOLD YOU I WAS GOING TOWARDS THAT TOWN,WOULD YOU COME WITH ME?/ If you had a car.I wouldn't come with youWHY NOT ? Because you wouldn't be going to the next town, but you'd be goingsomewhere between here and the next town434 WHAT'D YOU DO INSTEAD ? I'd catch a bus or a train etc.insteadCOMPOSITE WORDS " COMPOSE HYPHEN ASH TRAYsłowa złożone ułożyć, komponować łącznik popiół taca A composite word is a word composed of two words connected with a hyphen.Forexample, "sitting-room", which is a room where we sit; and "ash-tray" is a tray inwhich we put ash.WHAT'S A COMPOSITE WORD? A composite word is a word composed of.GIVE ME AN EXAMPLE, PLEASE !/ "Sitting-room"WHAT'S A WALKING-STICK? A walking-stick is a stick we use for walkingWHAT'S A DRESSING-ROOM? A dressing-room is a room where we dressMUCH BETTER znacznie lepiej MUCH MORE ETC " znacznie więcejWHY DO YOU SPEAK ENGLISH MUCH BETTER NOW THAN YOU DIDSIX MONTHS AGO ? I speak English much better now than.because I've had much more practice435 WHY IS A ROLLS ROYCE MUCH MORE EXPENSIVE THAN ANORDINARY CAR ?/ A Rolls Royce is much.because it takes longerto make than an ordinary car1200FALL TEMPERATURE ATMOSPHEREupaść, wpaść temperatura atmosferaWHAT'S THE CONTRARY OF THE VERB "TO RISE"? "To fall" is the contrary [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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