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.For example, "Can you give me a book?"becomes "I asked you if you could give me a book"21) WHAT HAPPENS WHEN WE CHANGE A COMMAND FROM DIRECTINTO INDIRECT SPEECH ? - AND GIVE ME AN EXAMPLE ! When we changea command from Direct into Indirect Speech, we use words like "told,commanded, ordered"; and, in the case of a negative command, the"do not" becomes simply "not".For example, "Don't walkso fast" becomes - "I told you not to walk so fast"22) WHAT HAPPENS WHEN WE CHANGE REQUESTS FROM DIRECTINTO INDIRECT SPEECH ? - AND GIVE ME AN EXAMPLE ! When we changerequests from Direct into Indirect Speech, we use the same constructionas with commands, and use words like "ask" or" request".Forexample, "Would you pass the salt, please?" becomes -"I asked you if you would please pass the salt"805 23) WHAT IS AN EMPHASISING PRONOUN?-AND GIVE ME AN EXAMPLE!An Emphasising Pronoun is a pronoun that could be left out of asentence, but is put in to make what is said stronger.For example, "John washed the car himself24) WHAT'S THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN A DEFINING AND A NON-DEFINING CLAUSE ? - AND GIVE ME AN EXAMPLE OF EACH !The difference between a Defining and a Non-Defining Clause is that a DefiningClause is essential to the meaning of a sentence, whereas a Non-DefiningClause is not essential to the meaning of a sentence.For.example,"This is the book that John gave me" and "This book,that John gave me, is very interesting"25) WHAT'S THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN THESE TWO SENTENCES? -"I HAVE TWO UNCLES WHO ARE VERY OLD" AND "I HAVE TWOUNCLES (COMMA), WHO ARE VERY OLD" The difference between those twosentences is that the first sentence means you have other uncles, whilstthe second sentence means you have only two uncles 26) WHEN DO WE ADD THE LETTERS "ES" TO FORM THE PLURAL OF ANOUN AND THE THIRD PERSON SINGULAR OF A VERB ? - AND GIVE MEAN EXAMPLE OF EACH ! We add the letters "es" to form the plural of a nounand the third person singular of a verb when a word ends in o: s: x: y:z (or ze): ch, or sh, that is, a word that ends in one of the soundso: s: ks: i: z: ts or sh.For example, heroes, buses, foxes,ladies, sizes, churches and dishes - does, kisses,boxes, flies, seizes, preaches and rushes806 27) HOW DO WE GENERALLY FORM THE PLURAL OF NOUNS ENDINGIN "F" OR "FE" ? - GIVE ME SOME EXAMPLES - AND TELL ME TWOEXCEPTIONS TO THIS RULE ! We generally form the plural of nouns endingin "f or "fe" by changing the endings to "ves".For example, leaf- leaves,wife-wives.The exceptions to this rule are cliff- cliffs, chef - chefs28) WHAT, GRAMMATICALLY, IS AN ANTECEDENT ?- AND GIVE ME ANEXAMPLE ! An antecedent is a noun for which a Relative Pronoun stands.The wordantecedent means "going before".For example, in the sentence "The womanwhom I met knows John", the word "woman" is the antecedentand the word "whom " is the Relative Pronoun29) WHERE DO WE PUT THE RELATIVE PRONOUN IN RELATION TOITS ANTECEDENT ? We put the Relative Pronoun as near as possible to its antecedent807 30) WHAT'S THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN THESE TWO SENTENCES ? -"THE WOMAN KNOWS JOHN, WHOM I MET" AND "THE WOMAN WHOMI MET KNOWS JOHN" The difference between those two sentences is that the firstsentence means you met John, whilst the secondsentence means you met the woman31) WHAT ARE THE RELATIVE PRONOUNS, AND WHAT DO WE USEEACH OF THEM FOR ?.that, what, which, who, whom, whose.That.for people,animals and things.What.for an antecedent not expressed.Which.for animals and things.Who, Whom.forpeople.Whose.for people and animals32) WHEN CAN WE DROP THE RELATIVE PRONOUN FROM ASENTENCE ?.when, if it were used, it would be the object of the verb in the clause.after such words as "I, you, he, Mr.Brown."33) IN WHICH OF THESE TWO SENTENCES CAN WE DROP THE RELATIVEPRONOUN?-"THIS IS THE CAR THAT TOOK ME TO LONDON", AND, "THISISTHE CAR THAT I TOOK TO LONDON" - AND WHY ?.the second.becauseit is followed by "I"34) WHAT HAPPENS WHEN A RELATIVE PRONOUN FOLLOWS APREPOSITION ?.it can be dropped 808 35) WHAT HAPPENS TO THE RELATIVE PRONOUNS "WHICH" AND"WHOM"; THAT IS, IF WE DECIDE NOT TO DROP THEM FROM THESENTENCE ?."which" and "whom" are changed to "that" and "who" if we.36) AS EXAMPLES, CHANGE THESE TWO SENTENCES - "THIS IS THEOFFICE IN WHICH I WORKED" AND "THIS IS THE MAN TO WHOM ISPOKE" "This is the office I worked in", and, "This is the man I spoke to"37) WHAT IS THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN A TRANSITIVE AND ANINTRANSITIVE VERB; AND WHICH OF THESE TWO VERBS IS TRANSITIVE- "RAISE" OR "RISE" ? With a transitive verb, the action passes from the subject,through the verb, to the object.With an intransitive verb,the action of the verb finishes with itself and does notpass to an object.Thus "raise" is transitive38) GIVE ME A SENTENCE CONTAINING A TRANSITIVE VERB, ANDGIVE ME A SENTENCE CONTAINING AN INTRANSITIVE VERB !.The car hit the wall.The sun rises at 6 o'clock39) HOW DO WE FORM THE PLURAL OF NOUNS WHICH ARE COMPOSEDOF TWO WORDS, THE FIRST OF WHICH IS THE WORD "MAN" OR"WOMAN"? - AND GIVE ME AN EXAMPLE!.by making bothwords plural, e.g.women-teachers809 40) IF A NOUN IS MADE WITH A PREPOSITION, HOW DO WE FORM ITSPLURAL ? - AND GIVE ME AN EXAMPLE !,.only the first parttakes the plural.e.g.brothers-in-law41) WHICH WORDS ARE NEVER USED IN THE PLURAL?.advice, furniture,information, knowledge and news42) GIVE ME THREE SENTENCES SHOWING THE THREE WAYS INWHICH WE CAN USE A WORD LIKE " FURNITURE"! This furniture is old -This piece of furniture is old - These pieces of furniture are old43) WHY DO WE SAY "A UNIVERSITY" AND NOT "AN UNIVERSITY",EVEN THOUGH THE WORD "UNIVERSITY" BEGINS WITH A VOWEL ?- AND GIVE ME OTHER EXAMPLES !.because it begins with a consonantsound.e.g.a European, a one-eyed dog, a united people.44) WHY DO WE USE THE WORD "A" IN THE EXCLAMATION "WHATA BOOK!", BUT NOT IN THE EXCLAMATION "WHAT WEATHER!"?- AND GIVE ME OTHER EXAMPLES !.because books are things we cancount.whilst "weather" is not something we can count.e.g [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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