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.As frustrated ashe felt sexually, he knew Boyd was right.Wrong place, wrong time, just.wrong."Youowe me later," he said finally when his heartbeat had slowed.Boyd nodded and dropped his head back, relaxing once it became obvious that Kassianwasn't going to argue the point."I'll do whatever you want next time," he said lightly, eyes half open and focused on Kassian."How's that sound?"Kassian grinned and turned his head to look at Boyd."That actually makes it worth it.""Good." Boyd closed his eyes and a faint smirk curved his lips."Start planning now so it's interesting for me, too.""I won't let you down," Kassian reassured.He let out another long groan, this one more theatrical than anything else, and sat up again.His body was still thrumming withunreleased pleasure and all signs of tiredness had all but faded."I'm gonna wash upand run to town for supplies.Unless you want to-- you've been cooped up here forhours."Boyd shook his head but didn't move from his position."It's alright.That screen'salready burned into my retinas; I may as well watch a little longer."Kassian shook his head and ruffled Boyd's hair playfully before standing up and headingto the small cramped bathroom.He stripped off his clothes entirely and turned on thelukewarm water before stepping into the shower.He closed his eyes and leaned against the wall, letting the water pour over him, over hisface and hair, as the tension slowly released from his body and the unrelenting need forIn the Company of ShadowsInterludesan orgasm drained away.It was only then that he allowed himself to think back on thelast few moments.If anyone at the Agency could have seen him writhing on top of Boyd, practicallypleading for sex, they likely would have died of shock.It wasn't the sex part-- Kassianhad had dalliances with other agents and civilian staff in the past-- so much as the factthat he was on a mission.True, it was a pretty low key mission with a lot of downtime, but it was a missionnonetheless.It was very odd and Kassian was the first to admit that fact to himself.Itwasn't even like he and Boyd had sex very frequently.The majority of the time theyhung out it was just that-- hanging out, watching movies or eating, taking long rides onhis motorcycle or playing video games.Hell-- they'd even started reading the samebooks and comparing opinions and commentary later.Sex only happened occasionally and Kassian wondered why now of all times the desireto put his hands on Boyd had started burning so hot.Maybe, Kassian pondered as he picked up the bar of hard soap and rubbed it acrosshis chest-- Maybe it was because deep down he knew it was something he wasn'tsupposed to do.He wasn't supposed to fuck his would-be partner, especially on anactive mission.It was a breach of protocol, an error in judgment and probablysomething Sin would do.It was probably something Sin and Boyd had done in the past.The idea of Sin and Boyd together, of them having frenzied, violent sex after a gun fightor a chase-- Kassian didn't deny that it turned him on.It was strange but not unfamiliar--the thought had crossed his mind ever since Boyd had mentioned their sex life.Although Boyd was typically very careful to never give Kassian much information abouthis sexual relationship with Sin, the occasional detail that had slipped out or Kassianhad inferred had been intriguing.Ever since then Kassian would idly find his mind wandering off in that direction, trying tofigure out what Sin's expression would look like as he pounded into Boyd or even thereverse-- what he would look like if he actually let Boyd fuck him.Kassian shook his head, a self-deprecating smile on his face, and banished thethoughts.He spent way too much time thinking about getting laid-- it was on the patheticside of hilarious.In the Company of ShadowsInterludesHe quickly finished his shower and dressed, leaving the cabin to take the truck the tenmiles into town.The road he used was well-traveled so he didn't stick out very much asthe dark grey vehicle bounced on the uneven road.All the commerce was located on one street in the small town and Kassian got all thesupplies he needed from the general store.He got plenty of water, several packs ofprotein bars, some aspirin, a few cans of coffee and some basic canned food.Kassianstarted to go to the check-out but he remembered Boyd asking him to buy some junkfood for Sin.Apparently sweets were the only thing Sin really liked to eat, a fact that was incrediblysurprising to Kassian considering how thin the other senior agent was.Kassian workedout several times a week to burn off the amount of alcohol he consumed-- he could onlyimagine how his metabolism would react to an excess of sugar and beer.It took longer than expected to figure out what Sin would even want.It annoyed Kassianthat he was going out of his way for someone who wouldn't even deign to speak to himbut he tried to push it aside and grabbed a large package of chocolate chip cookiesbefore going to pay."You're a new face," the older lady at the check-out said with a smile when he puteverything on the counter.Kassian smiled and kept his gaze firmly fixed on the cashier, ignoring the temptingbottles of vodka that lined the wall to the right.It was difficult and three times he'd had to stop himself from adding one to his basket."Yes--" He looked at her name tag."Yes, Belle, I am.Me and my brother are looking to move out here.""Oh really?" Belle nodded as she rang up his items."That ain't too surprising, actually.The plant's got more openings than we've got residents [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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