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.168.0 network tomount the /tftpboot/lts/ltsrootdirectory.Some other entries are created forother directories, but are commented out:&' /etc/bootptab: A partial entry is called.ltsp.An additional entry is createdfor workstation ws001, but is left commented out.&' /etc/X11/xdm/xdm-config: The  DisplayManager.requestPort entry is com-mented out, thus allowing remote workstations to get an XDM Login screen.&' /etc/X11/xdm/Xaccess: The wildcard entry that starts with an asterisk (*) isun-commented, thus allowing remote workstations to get an XDM Loginscreen.&' /etc/hosts.allow: Entries are added by allowing bootpdto receive broadcastpackets; in.tftpdand portmapare allowed to receive transfer requests fromthe 192.168.0 network.&' /etc/rc.d/init.d/syslog: This script is modified to allow remote clients to sendsyslogmessages to the server.&' /etc/inetd.conf: This file is modified to turn on the tftpdaemon.&' /etc/inittab: This file is modified to start the xdmprocess and the default run-level is set to 5.&' /etc/rc.d/rc5.d/S11portmap: This symbolic link allows the portmapperto bestarted when the system enters runlevel 5.&' /etc/rc.d/rc5.d/S60nfs: This symbolic link is created so that nfswill startwhen the system enters runlevel 5.Because these file changes may introduce a security risk, you must restrict outsideaccess by using a firewall.Then, install the kernels to be used for the remote sta-tions by using some pre-configured kernels from the Linux Terminal Server Projector by creating a custom kernel.Either way, you must create the directory/tftpboot/ltsthat will contain the appropriate kernels.If you create a customkernel, it must specify the following:&' Support for your specific network card&' RAM disk support&' IP kernel level auto-configuration&' BOOTP support 154881-6 ch10.F 11/12/01 8:30 AM Page 335Chapter 10 &' Linux Terminals and Shells335&' /procfilesystem support&' NFS filesystem support&' Root filesystem on NFS&' Support for Parallel and/or serial ports for printerAfter you create the kernel it must be set as a tagged image format with the mknbi-linuxcommand.The mknbi-linuxis included within the Etherbootpackage,which is available at http://etherboot.sourceforge.net, and uses the follow-ing command to convert the newly created kernel in the proper format:mknbi-linux --output=/tmp/vmlinuz.ne2000 \--ipaddrs=rom \--rootdir=/tftpboot/lts/ltsroot \--append= ramdisk_size=1024 \/usr/src/linux/arch/i386/boot/bzImageAfter you create the kernel, you need to configure the X Server.These files are alsoavailable from the Linux Terminal Server Project and should be placed in the/tftpboot/lts/ltsroot/ltsbindirectory.You must also verify several configu-ration files.The tftpdservice must be started by xinetdor inetd.Newer distri-butions use the more secure xinetd, with xinetdrequiring the command xinetd.Enabling /etc/xinetd.d/tftpand inetdrequires the editing of the inetd.conffile.Include a command similar to the following example in the inetd.conffile:#tftp dgram udp wait root /usr/sbin/tcpd in.tftpd#bootps dgram udp wait root /usr/sbin/tcpd bootpd#Notice here that tftpis active  because it is not uncommented from the file  sono action is required.If you need to use bootp, you should uncomment it as well.Verify the configuration in the inittabfile in order to confirm that xdmis runningwith the line; id: 5:initdefault:indicates that the server will boot into runlevel5.Also, verify the configuration file for either bootpor DHCP.You can use bootpbyconfiguring the following entries to the /etc/bootptabfile:# LTS-begins.ltsp:\:ht=ethernet:\:ds=192.168.254:\:gw=192.168.254:\:lg=192.168.254:\:sm=\:hn:\:hd=/tftpboot/lts:\:rp=/tftpboot/lts/ltsroot: 154881-6 ch10.F 11/12/01 8:30 AM Page 336Part IV &' Administration336## The following is an example of a line needed for a# workstation#ws01:tc=.ltsp:ha=AABBCCDDEEFF:bf=vmlinuz.ne2000:ip=192.168.1:# LTS-endThis bootptabfile will set up the network on the 192.168.0 network; others maybe used where appropriate.The line section ha=AABBCCDDEEFF is the MACaddress of the Ethernet card in the system.bootprequires quite a bit of configura-tion, which is why DHCPis preferred.DHCPrequires the configuration of the/etc/dhcpd.conf file.DHCP installs this configuration file,/etc/dhcpd.conf.example, but it will need editing to configure the system properly for yoursetup.The following is the default file:default-lease-time 21600;max-lease-time 21600;option subnet-mask;option broadcast-address 192.168.255;option routers 192.168.254;option domain-name-servers 192.168.254;option domain-name  ltsp.org ;option netbios-name-servers 192.168.254;shared-network WORKSTATIONS {subnet 192.168.0 netmask {}}group {use-host-decl-names on;option log-servers 192.168.254;host ws001 {hardware ethernet 00:80:C8:D9:31:C1;fixed-address 192.168.1;filename  /tftpboot/lts/vmlinuz.ne2000 ;}host ws002 {hardware ethernet 00:E0:18:E0:0C:09;fixed-address 192.168.2;filename  /tftpboot/lts/vmlinuz.eepro100 ;}}This configuration allows the use of bootpor DHCP.Further configuration is neededfor the workstation name and the IP resolution.This information must be entered inthe /etc/hostsfile or on a DNS server, because NFS needs to perform name to IPaddress resolutions to work properly.Another file /etc/hosts.allowwill be cre-ated automatically and may need configuration if the following default is not used. 154881-6 ch10.F 11/12/01 8:30 AM Page 337Chapter 10 &' Linux Terminals and Shells337bootpd: 0.0in.tftpd: 192.168.portmap: 192.168.Adjust the network address for the network in use.The creation of the /etc/exportfile provides file systems.By default, the file resembles the following:## LTS-begin #### The lines between the  LTS-begin and the  LTS-end were added# on: Sun Aug 6 23:30:29 EDT 2000 by the ltsp installation script.# For more information, visit the ltsp homepage# at http://www.ltsp.org#/tftpboot/lts/ltsroot 192.168.0/,no_root_squash)## The following entries need to be uncommented if you want# Local App support in ltsp##/usr 192.168.0/,no_root_squash)#/bin 192.168.0/,no_root_squash)#/sbin 192.168.0/,no_root_squash)#/lib 192.168.0/,no_root_squash)#/home 192.168.0/,no_root_squash)## LTS-end ##Notice that most of the file systems required to run local applications are remarked.They may need to be un-remarked if you plan to use local applications.The LTSPinstallation script modifies the /etc/rc.d/init.d/syslogstartup script toenable remote workstations to send their syslog messages to the server, in order toverify that the line daemon syslogd -m 0 -is present.The configuration file forthe workstations is the /tftpboot/lts/ltsroot/etc/lts.conffile, and it con-tains most of the configurable parameters for the workstations.Use the followingexample of a /tftpboot/lts/ltsroot/etc/lts.conffile if all workstations arethe same:[Default]XSERVER = XF86_SVGASERVER = 192.168.254X_MOUSE_PROTOCOL =  PS/2X_MOUSE_DEVICE =  /dev/psauxX_MOUSE_RESOLUTION = 400X_MOUSE_BUTTONS = 3USE_XFS = NUI_MODE = GUI 154881-6 ch10 [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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