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.Heart rate provides a report card on the humanbody to measure the intensity of a workout and the amount of energy that isexpended.When you train hard, your heart pumps faster to increase the flow ofblood and provide more oxygen to your cells.There are various heart rate zones that provide unique benefits.Each zone isderived as a percentage of your Maximum Heart Rate (MHR).The Healthy Heart Zone - 60% to 70% of MHRTraining in the Healthy Heart Zone will strengthen your heart so that it may pumpoxygen-rich blood to your muscles more efficiently.This zone is excellent to burnfat while recovering from more intense training days.Your low intensity runningdays should be completed at or below 70% of your MHR. 108The Aerobic Zone  70% to 80% of MHRThe Aerobic Zone is also known as the Endurance Building Zone.By training inthis zone, you will strengthen your cardiovascular system and respiratory system.It is important to exercise in this zone to improve aerobic capacity and athleticperformance.The Anaerobic Zone - 80% to 90% of MHRThe Anaerobic Zone is known as the Vomit Zone.This zone involves highintensity training to help the muscles cope with lactic acid build up.Training inthis zone is important for the competitive athlete.If you are involved in boxing,wrestling, grappling, or the martial arts, you MUST train anaerobically.Theglycogen that is stored in your muscles will serve as the primary form of energyduring anaerobic training.The byproduct from rapidly burning glycogen is lacticacid.Lactic acid fatigues the muscles, leaving you with the feeling of completeexhaustion.By training anaerobically, you can delay the onset of lactic acid andteach your body to deal with its accumulation for a longer period of time.The Red Line Zone - 90% to 100% of MHRThe Red Line Zone is only intended for very fit, competitive athletes.Working inthe Red Line Zone trains your fast twitch muscle fibers and develops speed.Individuals should avoid training in this zone until they have approached peakfitness levels.CALCULATING HEART RATENow that we know the various training zones, let s look at how we calculate ourown individual heart rates.Maximum heart rate (MHR) is the highest possible heart rate you can achieve.Once you calculate your maximum heart rate, you can determine the exerciseintensity that matches your specific fitness goal.There are several techniquesused to calculate MHR.The formulas below are simple but will provide aballpark estimate for you to gauge fitness intensity.AGE PREDICTED MHRThe Age Predicted technique provides a quick estimate by subtracting your agefrom the constant figure 220 (females may use 226).Let s use a 20 year-oldWarrior as an example.220  Age = MHR220  20 = 200 109A 20 year-old Warrior has a maximum heart rate of 200 beats per minute (bpm).We can quickly calculate various training zones by taking a percentage of hisMHR.Below I have calculated the heart rate in beats per minute for eachtraining zone.20 Year-Old Warrior Heart Rate EstimatesThe Healthy Heart Zone = 120 - 140 bpmThe Aerobic Zone = 140  160 bpmThe Anaerobic Zone = 160  180 bpmThe Red Line Zone = 180  200 bpmAs you can see this method provides a quick estimate.AGE PREDICTED MHR VARIATIONThere is a variation to the traditional age predicted calculation.This variation isdesigned for individuals who train three or more days per week.This calculationmakes an adjustment for these physically fit individuals.Rather than starting withthe constant 220, this variation uses the figure 205 (females may use 211).Youmust then subtract one-half of your age from this number to determine MHR.205  (Age/2) = MHRUsing the 20 year-old Warrior as an example we would have the following.205  (20/2) = MHR205  10 = 195FORMULA REVIEWMale1.220 - Age = MHR for Non-athletic individuals2.205  (Age/2) = MHR for fit individualsFemale1.226 - Age = MHR for Non-athletic individuals2.211  (Age/2) = MHR for fit individualsThere are several formulas used to calculate maximum heart rate.The agepredicted formulas provide a quick and fairly accurate estimate. 110DO NOT IGNORE SCIENCEYou may not be a big fan of science but you must not ignore the facts.When Itrain myself or another athlete, I take care of business with a hardcore, nononsense approach.If you want to be the best, you are going to have to bustyour ass.No magic pill or powder will get you to the top of the mountain if youare not willing to work hard.To be the best, you will need to train hard and overcome fatigue.While I am busy busting my ass training, scientists sit in their laboratories tryingto make sense of the most complex system in the world, the human body.Thehuman body is an amazing creation.There are no limitations on your ability.The key to success is a combination of hard work and intelligent training.A lot of guys say to hell with science.This is a mistake.Your hard work must beas productive as possible.Forget about what someone did or supposedly did200 years ago.The fact remains that today s athletes are bigger, stronger, andfaster than ever before.Advancements have been made that must not beignored.The point that I wish to convey is that you need to bust your ass and expend yourenergy in the most productive manner possible.A Warrior must train hard aswell as intelligently.THE MISCONCEPTION OF ROADWORKThe phrase  roadwork has long been used to describe the early morning run ofthe boxer, wrestler, or martial artist.Traditionally, the fighter would rise early inthe morning and proceed with a long distance run of 5 or 6 miles [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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