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Using DNS/DHCP ServicesPresentation NotesConfiguring DHCP OptionsExplain that DHCPadministration andparameter options areconfigurable in theDNS/DHCP ManagementConsole.Point out that DHCP optionscan be set on the global andsubnet levels.Explain that if a DHCPoption is set at more thanone level, the client will usethe value assigned to thelower level.Revision 1.0 This document should only be used by a Novell-certified instructor.IG 7-53If you think this document was pirated, call 1-800-PIRATES or 1-801-861-7101.Using DNS/DHCPServices NetWare 5 Advanced Administration Instructor GuideSetting Global DHCP OptionsBy selecting the Global Preferences button in the tool bar, you can setDHCP options that apply globally to all DHCP configurations in yourNDS tree.Global DHCP Options TabThe Global DHCP Options tab allows you to configure parameters to bedelivered to all workstations when they receive their IP addressassignments.The options that appear in this list will be delivered globallyby all DHCP servers in your NDS tree.Figure 7-12: The Global Preferences Window7-27IG 7-54 This document should only be used by a Novell-certified instructor.Revision 1.0If you think this document was pirated, call 1-800-PIRATES or 1-801-861-7101. Using DNS/DHCP ServicesPresentation NotesSetting Global DHCP Optionss Demonstrate configurableitems in the GlobalPreferences window.Revision 1.0 This document should only be used by a Novell-certified instructor.IG 7-55If you think this document was pirated, call 1-800-PIRATES or 1-801-861-7101.Using DNS/DHCPServices NetWare 5 Advanced Administration Instructor GuideGlobal DHCP Defaults TabThe Global DHCP Defaults tab allows you to define specific hardwareaddresses that you want to exclude from receiving IP addresses fromDHCP servers.These exclusions apply to all DHCP servers in the NDStree.DHCP Options Table TabThe DHCP Options Table tab displays all the DHCP options that havebeen defined.You can add new DHCP options by defining your ownDHCP option types.You can make any existing DHCP option unavailablefor configuration by removing it from this list.7-28IG 7-56 This document should only be used by a Novell-certified instructor.Revision 1.0If you think this document was pirated, call 1-800-PIRATES or 1-801-861-7101. Using DNS/DHCP ServicesPresentation NotesSetting Global DHCP Options(continued)s Continue the demonstration.Revision 1.0 This document should only be used by a Novell-certified instructor.IG 7-57If you think this document was pirated, call 1-800-PIRATES or 1-801-861-7101.Using DNS/DHCPServices NetWare 5 Advanced Administration Instructor GuideSetting DHCP Options at theSubnet LevelWhen you select a subnet object in the DNS/DHCP ManagementConsole, you can set DHCP options through the Subnet Options andOther DHCP Options tabs.Subnet Options TabThe Subnet Options tab allows you to configure administrativepreferences for the IP addresses contained in the selected DHCPsubnet object.By default, DHCP is configured to lease IP addresses to workstations forthree days.In this tab, you can change the amount of time an address inthe subnet is leased by making the assignment permanent or changingthe amount of time the address is leased.The Novell DHCP service also supports the BOOTP protocol.You canconfigure DHCP to provide a BOOTP client with the address and nameof a server the client can contact for a boot image, and a boot filename.Other DHCP Options TabThe Other DHCP Options tab allows you to configure parameters to bedelivered only to workstations that reside on a particular subnet whenthey receive their IP address assignment.You configure the subnet levelDHCP options in the same manner you configure the global DHCPoptions.7-29IG 7-58 This document should only be used by a Novell-certified instructor.Revision 1.0If you think this document was pirated, call 1-800-PIRATES or 1-801-861-7101. Using DNS/DHCP ServicesPresentation NotesSetting DHCP Options at the SubnetLevels Demonstrate how to setDHCP administrationoptions through the SubnetOptions tab.s Demonstrate how toconfigure parametersthrough the Other DHCPOptions tab.Revision 1.0 This document should only be used by a Novell-certified instructor.IG 7-59If you think this document was pirated, call 1-800-PIRATES or 1-801-861-7101.Using DNS/DHCPServices NetWare 5 Advanced Administration Instructor GuideSetting DHCP Server OptionsThe Novell DHCP server implementation provides several administrativefeatures configurable as options on the DHCP server object.To configure administrative options on the DHCP server, do thefollowing:1.Click a DHCP server object.2.Click the Options tab.You can configure the DHCP server object with Simple NetworkManagement Protocol (SNMP) traps, alert and audit logging, mobileuser options, and pinging to determine if an IP address is already in use.SNMP TrapsSNMP traps determine the types of information about the DHCP serverthat can be monitored by network management software such asManageWise�.Audit Trails and AlertsAudit trails and alerts control the level of event and audit logging theDHCP server will generate.The auditing and alert logs can be viewed byselecting the View Events/Alerts and View Audit Trail Log buttons on thetoolbar.Mobile UsersThe Mobile Users options allow you to configure how the DHCP serverwill treat a workstation that moves from one subnet to another.Ping EnabledIf you mark the Ping Enabled box, the DHCP server will ping an IPaddress before making an IP assignment.If something responds to theping, the server does not assign the IP address, thus preventing an IPconflict on the network.7-30IG 7-60 This document should only be used by a Novell-certified instructor.Revision 1.0If you think this document was pirated, call 1-800-PIRATES or 1-801-861-7101. Using DNS/DHCP ServicesPresentation NotesSetting DHCP Server Optionss Demonstrate theadministrative options thatcan be set at the DHCPserver object.Revision 1.0 This document should only be used by a Novell-certified instructor.IG 7-61If you think this document was pirated, call 1-800-PIRATES or 1-801-861-7101.Using DNS/DHCPServices NetWare 5 Advanced Administration Instructor GuideHands-On Exercise 7-2:Configuring and StartingDHCP ServicesIn this exercise, youConfigure DHCP using the DNS/DHCP Management ConsoleStart DHCP services on your NetWare serverConfigure your workstation to obtain an IP address from a DHCPserverPart I: Configuring DHCPUsing the DNS/DHCPManagement ConsoleFrom your workstation, do the following:1.Log in to the EMA_TREE as your Admin user.2.Start the DNS/DHCP Management Console.a.Double-click the DNSDHCP shortcut on your desktop.b [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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