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.Thecustom tab ordering includes only objects that have tabIndex properties.The tabIndex property must be a positive integer.The objects are ordered according to theirtabIndex properties, in ascending order.An object with a tabIndex value of 1 precedes an objectwith a tabIndex value of 2.The custom tab ordering disregards the hierarchical relationships ofobjects in a SWF file.All objects in the SWF file with tabIndex properties are placed in the taborder.You shouldn t use the same tabIndex value for multiple objects.See alsoButton.tabIndex, TextField.tabIndexMovieClip._targetAvailabilityFlash Player 4.Usagemy_mc._targetDescriptionProperty (read-only); returns the target path of the movie clip instance specified by my_mc.MovieClip._target 537 MovieClip._totalframesAvailabilityFlash Player 4.Usagemy_mc._totalframesDescriptionProperty (read-only); returns the total number of frames in the movie clip instance specified inthe MovieClip parameter.MovieClip.trackAsMenuAvailabilityFlash Player 6.Usagemy_mc.trackAsMenuDescriptionProperty; a Boolean property that indicates whether or not other buttons or movie clips canreceive mouse release events.This allows you to create menus.You can set the trackAsMenuproperty on any button or movie clip object.If the trackAsMenu property does not exist, thedefault behavior is false.You can change the trackAsMenu property at any time; the modified button movie clipimmediately takes on the new behavior.See alsoButton.trackAsMenuMovieClip.unloadMovie()AvailabilityFlash Player 5.Usagemy_mc.unloadMovie()ParametersNone.ReturnsNothing.538 Chapter 12: ActionScript Dictionary DescriptionMethod; removes the contents of a movie clip instance.The instance properties and cliphandlers remain.To remove the instance, including its properties and clip handlers, useMovieClip.removeMovieClip().See alsoMovieClip.attachMovie(), MovieClip.loadMovie(), unloadMovie(), unloadMovieNum()MovieClip._urlAvailabilityFlash Player 4.Usagemy_mc._urlDescriptionProperty (read only); retrieves the URL of the SWF file from which the movie clip wasdownloaded.MovieClip.useHandCursorAvailabilityFlash Player 6.Usagemy_mc.useHandCursorDescriptionProperty; a Boolean value that indicates whether the hand cursor (pointing hand) appears whenthe mouse rolls over a button movie clip.The default value of useHandCursor is true.IfuseHandCursor is set to true, the pointing hand used for buttons is displayed when the mouserolls over a button movie clip.If useHandCursor is false, the arrow cursor is used instead.You can change the useHandCursor property at any time; the modified button movie clipimmediately takes on the new cursor behavior.The useHandCursor property can be read out of aprototype object.MovieClip.useHandCursor 539 MovieClip._visibleAvailabilityFlash Player 4.Usagemy_mc._visibleDescriptionProperty; a Boolean value that indicates whether the movie clip specified by my_mc is visible.Movie clips that are not visible (_visible property set to false) are disabled.For example, abutton in a movie clip with _visible set to false cannot be clicked.See alsoButton._visible, TextField._visibleMovieClip._widthAvailabilityFlash Player 4 as a read-only property.Usagemy_mc._widthDescriptionProperty; the width of the movie clip, in pixels.ExampleThe following example sets the height and width properties of a movie clip when the user clicksthe mouse.onclipEvent(mouseDown) {_width=200;_height=200;}See alsoMovieClip._height540 Chapter 12: ActionScript Dictionary MovieClip._xAvailabilityFlash Player 3.Usagemy_mc._xDescriptionProperty; an integer that sets the x coordinate of a movie clip relative to the local coordinates ofthe parent movie clip.If a movie clip is in the main Timeline, then its coordinate system refers tothe upper left corner of the Stage as (0, 0).If the move clip is inside another movie clip that hastransformations, the movie clip is in the local coordinate system of the enclosing movie clip.Thus, for a movie clip rotated 90 degrees counterclockwise, the movie clip s children inherit acoordinate system that is rotated 90 degrees counterclockwise.The movie clip s coordinates referto the registration point position.See alsoMovieClip._xscale, MovieClip._y, MovieClip._yscaleMovieClip._xmouseAvailabilityFlash Player 5.Usagemy_mc._xmouseDescriptionProperty (read-only); returns the x coordinate of the mouse position.See alsoMouse class, MovieClip._ymouseMovieClip._xmouse 541 MovieClip._xscaleAvailabilityFlash Player 4.Usagemy_mc._xscaleDescriptionProperty; determines the horizontal scale (percentage) of the movie clip as applied from theregistration point of the movie clip.The default registration point is (0,0).Scaling the local coordinate system affects the _x and _y property settings, which are defined inwhole pixels [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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