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.And these activities did not end with the Peace Conference.The whole method of the Protocols may be described in one word, Disintegration.The undoing of what has been done, the creation of a long and hopeless interim in which attempts at reconstruction shall be baffled, and the gradual wearing down of public opinion and public confidence, until those who stand outside the created chaos shall insert their strong, calm hand to seize control - that is the whole method of procedure.The Protocols distinctly declare that it is by means of the set of ideas which cluster around "democracy," that their first victory over public opinion was obtained.The idea is the weapon.And to be a weapon it must be an idea at variance with the natural trend of life.It must be a theory opposed to the facts of life.And no theory so opposed can be expected to take root and become the ruling factor, unless it appeals to the mind as reasonable, inspiring and good.The Truth frequently seems unreasonable; the Truth frequently is depressing; the Truth sometimes seems to be evil; but it has this eternal advantage, it is the Truth, and what is built thereon neither brings nor yields to confusion.This first step does not give the control of public opinion, but leads up to it.It is worthy to note that it is this sowing of "the poison of liberalism," as the Protocols name it, which comes first in order in those documents.Then, following upon that, the Protocols say:"To obtain control over public opinion it is first necessary to confuse it."Truth is one and cannot be confused, but this false, appealing liberalism which has been sown broadcast, and which is ripening faster under Jewish nurture in America than ever it did in Europe, is easily confused because it is not truth.It is error, and error has a thousand forms.Take a nation, a party, a city, an association in which "the poison of liberalism" has been sown, and you can split that up into as many factions as there are individuals simply by throwing among them certain modifications of the original idea.That is a piece of strategy well known to the forces that invisibly control mass-thought.Theodor Herzl, the arch-Jew, a man whose vision was wider than anycontemporary statesman's and whose program paralleled the Protocols, knew this many years agowhen he said that the Zionist (cryptic for "Jewish") state would come before the Socialist state couldcome; he knew with what endless divisions the "liberalism" which he and his predecessors hadplanted would be shackled and crippled.The process of which all Gentiles have been the victims, but never the Jews - never the Jews! - isjust this: First, to create an ideal of "broad-mindedness." That is the phrase which appears in every Jewish remonstrance against public mention of the Jew and his alleged World Program: "We thoughtyou were too broad-minded a man to express such thoughts." It is a sort of key word, indicative ofthe state of mind in which it is desired that the Gentiles be kept.It is a state of flabby tolerance.Astate of mind which mouths meaningless phrases about Liberty, phrases which act as an opiate onthe mind and conscience and which allow all sorts of things to be done under cover.The phrase, the slogan, is a very dependable Jewish weapon.("In all times people have accepted words for acts."-Protocol 5.) The reality behind the phrase the Protocols frankly admit to be non-existent.Men are born believers.For a time they may believe in "broad-mindedness" and under the terrific social pressure that has been set up in its favor they will openly espouse it.But it is too shallow to satisfy any growing roots of life.They must believe, deeply, something.For proof of this, notice the undeniable strength of the negative beliefs which are held by men who fancy that they believe nothing.Therefore, some who are highly endowed with independence of spirit, root down into those prohibited matters which at some point touch Jewish concerns - these are the "narrow" men.But others find it more convenient to cultivate those departments which promise a highway whereonthere shall be no clashes of vital opinion, no chance of the charge of "intolerance"; in short they transfer all their contemplative powers to the active life; even as it is written in the Protocols - "To divert Gentile thought and observation, interest must be deflected to industry and commerce." It is just this Deflection to the materialistic base that offer the Protocolists, and similarly Jewish propagandists, their best hold."Broad-mindedness"-in leaving vital matters severely alone-descends quickly into material-mindedness.Within this lower sphere all the discord which distresses the worldtoday is to be found.It means, as everything about us shouts, the prostitution of service to profits and the eventualdisappearance of the profits: It means that the high art of management degenerates into exploitation [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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