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.explain himself, promising him something.WhatHe has an unsatisfactory relationship with Dollyit was I do not know.Perhaps they promised thatKarger and considers marrying another girl withoutthere would always be women in the world whoromantic love.By age 29 his  chief concern waswould spend their brightest, freshest, rarest hourshis own growing loneliness (p.341).His friendsto nurse and protect that superiority he cherishedare absorbed in their families and no longer needin his heart (p.349).his advice.Fitzgerald dramatizes Anson s isolationwith a lengthy description of a Friday afternoonHunter, Edna Robert Hunter s wife, who iswith nothing to do when he can find none of hishaving an affair with Cary Sloane.When Anson 188  RingHunter discovers the affair, he confronts his Aunt Nick Bartender with whom Anson Hunter remi-Edna and her lover and threatens to tell Uncle nisces at the Plaza Hotel.Robert and Sloane s father unless Sloane leavesSloane, Cary Dissolute young man with whomtown for six months.Edna Hunter is having an affair.When Edna snephew Anson Hunter confronts them and threat-Hunter, Robert Anson Hunter s uncle and theens to tell Edna s husband and Sloane s father,administrator of Anson s father s estate.He hadSloane kills himself by jumping off a bridge.been Anson s great friend during Anson s youth,but he gradually slips out of Anson s life as he isThayer, Lowell Paula Legendre s first husband, adisappointed with the choices Anson makes afterwealthy Bostonian.He and Paula have three chil-college and the war.He is unaware of his wifedren before their divorce.Edna Hunter s affair, and Anson confronts Ednaand her lover to prevent Uncle Robert from beingFURTHER READINGhurt.Quotations are from The Short Stories of F.ScottFitzgerald, edited by Matthew J.Bruccoli (NewKarger, Dolly Wild young woman with whomYork: Scribner, 1989).Anson Hunter becomes involved, though as hefrequently tells her he is not in love with her.HisWolfe, Peter. Faces in a Dream: Innocence Perpetu-memory of Paula Legendre twice prevents themated in  The Rich Boy.  In The Short Stories of F.from consummating their relationship.Scott Fitzgerald: New Approaches in Criticism, editedLegendre, Mrs.Paula Legendre s mother, who is by Jackson R.Bryer (Madison: University of Wis-distressed by Cousin Jo s report that Anson Hunterconsin Press, 1982), 241 249.was drunk.Legendre, Paula Wealthy and beautiful girl towhom Anson Hunter is engaged before he goes Ringabroad to war.When he returns, they quarrel fre-quently and break their engagement.When Anson Essay.The New Republic 76 (October 11, 1933),hears of Paula s interest in Lowell Thayer, he visits 254 255: The Crack-Up.her and considers asking her again to marry him; Tribute to RING LARDNER in which Fitzger-but he delays since he feels that he is in control of ald expresses his personal sense of loss as wellthe relationship.Paula soon marries Thayer, whom as regret for Lardner s failure to live up to hisshe later divorces.She then quickly marries Peter potential, which Fitzgerald attributed to Lardner sHagerty, with whom she is very happy, but she dies cynical attitude and to his early work as a base-ball reporter:  Ring got less percentage of himselfin childbirth.on paper than any other American of the firstnarrator (unnamed) Partially involved narratorflight (CU, p.38).He also recalled his friend sof  The Rich Boy, similar to Nick Carraway in GG.personality:  Proud, shy, solemn, shrewd, polite,A middle-class man who is an outsider in Ansonbrave, kind, merciful, honorable with the affec-Hunter s world, he envies Anson and resents histion these qualities aroused he created in additionwealth and power.He meets Anson when they area certain awe in people.His intentions, his will,both officers in naval aviation in Pensacola, Flor- once in motion, were formidable factors in deal-ida, in 1917.At various points in the narrative, he ing with him he always did every single thing heexplains that Anson has told him the events that said he would do.Frequently he was the melan-he is relating.At the end of the story, he sails for choly Jaques, and sad company indeed, but underEUROPE with Anson.any conditions a noble dignity flowed from him,  Rubber Check, The 189so that time in his presence always seemed well Rough Crossing, Thespent (CU, p.38).Fiction.Written March 1929.The SATURDAY EVE-NING POST 201 (June 8, 1929), 12 13, 66, 70, 75;Stories. Room with the GreenAmericans Adrian and Eva Smith and theirchildren are sailing to France.During the stormyBlinds, Thepassage, they quarrel because of Adrian s interestFiction.The ST.PAUL ACADEMY NOW AND THEN 3 in fellow passenger Betsy D Amido, and Eva tosses(June 1911), 6 9; Apprentice Fiction.her pearls, a gift from Adrian, into the sea.AdrianAn alternate version of the fate of John Wil- and Eva are reconciled after they are both knockedkes Booth [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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