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.Q-Q l 18 K-N2 Q-RSPlaying "for tactics", Spassky disregards the possibility of a Q-sideattack by White.Now 19 N5 is not dangerous r Black because of19.B-R3; nevertheless 18.P-QR4 was safer (19 N-N5 N-N l).19 P-B3 B-R319.P-B4 would have been better (after 20 B-N5 R3 21 BxQBxQ Black is out of danger), although White can retain some advan�tage by 20 P-R5.Now, however, White takes play into an ending, andmakes a break-through on the Q-side which gives him a clear advan�tage.Black's tactical tricks on the K-side have got him nowhere.20 P-NS ! N2 22 B-K321 B-B2 Q-B5White repeats the position in order to have lessTo be on the safe side,moves to make in time-trouble.RS22." 23 Q-Kl!Karpov finds the correct plan.23.QxQ23.Q-R4? loses to 24 P-B4.24 KR xQ P-R3 25 P-R4 PxP3Black could have delayed this exchange, by continuing 25.P-Bfor the moment.26 PxP N-K2Black not only defends against the deadly threat of 27 R-R 1 but+,5also hopes, if White should allow him, to play 27.P-R4 (28 N-NN-Bl).A drowning man will clutch even at a straw!27 P-RS ! P-B3 29 P-N4!28 KR-QNl PxPKarpov breaks through on the Q-side with the utmost energy. KARPOV-SPASSKY, JRD GAMEN-B429.Spassky goes on playing for tactical complications, but here he nolonger has any choice.29.P-NS 30 NPxP (30 BP xP P-KN4 ! fol�lowed by N-KN3) 30.NxBP31 BxNPxB 32 RxPP-N4 33 R-N6holds no promise for Black.30 BxNP!30 P xN P-KS ! would have allowed Black to confuse matters.Karpov naturally prefers to maintain his great positional advantage,which guarantees him a win without any complications.30.N-QSBlack also los after 30.B-R3 31 PxN BxB 32 N-K4.31 PxP Nx P(B4) 32 R-N6!This leads to decisive material gains.31.B3 33 R-Rl + !After 33 R xQP Black can still hold on by 33.K-N2 (but not33.BxB? 34 RxNP B-R5 35 R-R l R-B5 36 R-R6 + when he canresign).33.K-N2If 33.wins.K-Nl, 34 RxQP34B-R6+ K-Nl RxQP K-N23635 BxR RxB 37 lIn spite of his material advantage White must play carefully, since hisopponent, with his control of the black squares, can still resist. E SEMI-FINAL MATCH39 R(N6)-N1R-B237.B-K238 R-N6 l39.BxP would have been met by 40 N-R4.40 N-R4 N-Q6 42 N-B8!41 N-N6 P-N4e knight is heading for KB5.Any further exchanges are to ite'sadvantage.42.N B4Or 42.P-N5 43 N-Q6 PxP+ K-B l.44P-K543 N 6 R 2 45 PxN44 N-B5 + NxNThere is no good advice that one can give Black.Besides his materialadvantage, ite has two passed pawns.46 PxP NxP R-K247 B--R4Preventing 48 K8.On 47.R-QB2, 48 R-N6 ! would follow.48 R(Nl )-Kl N-B4If 48.BxP, then 49 B2 (or 49 P-Q6 fo B2).llowed by49 RxR+ BxR 51 R Rl K-B350 B-- B-Ql 52 P-Q6 N-Q2B2Or 52.K-K4 53 R-Ql.53 R Nl K-K455 R-Kl54 R l K-B5Black resigned. SPASSKY-KARPOV, 4 GAME35Game 4.Caro-Kann DefenceSpassky-Ka ovApril 19thP B34 4 NxPP-K B4tP 45 N-N34 N3P26 P-KR4terprising continuatiomore ena n than 6 N-B3is N-Q2 7 Q3,hisTwas played in the second game and repeated in the sixth.asP-K 3.R 9 B 3 B6 xBN-Q2 10 QxB P-K3N-B37R2 11 P-N3P-RS84 would have been better.Now Black has no11 BQ211 - orKN-B311.13 B3+Q-R4This leads to further simplification.13 Q-Q2 would have resulted inmore complex play.13.B-NS 16 KxQ P-B414 BxB QxB+ 17 P-B4 PxPQxQ+This exchange is premarure.17.R-QBl suggests itself, so thatafter 18 PxP RxP the rook anains the fourth rank without delay.Besides, the White knight is better placed at Q4 than at KB3.18 NxP P-R3 36TII SEMI-FINAL MATE19 K-K3Rou the defenctine play.White should have freed his knight from e ofhis KRP 19 P-B3 R-QB l 20 N(N3)-K2 followed by 21 P-KN4.by19 � - � R B l 21 P-B3 R-B42." "20 QR Bl K-K2 22 N(Q4)-Kite finds of the necessityhimself in difficul es on account fordefending his KRP with pieces.In anticipa on of ubl�the inevitable doing of overprote s hisBlack's rooks followed rookby P-QN4, Spasskyat QBl.22.KR-QB 1 23 P-B423 P-QN4This hasty move leads to an equal ending.After the exchange of lthe rooks, Black can no longer win a pawn (the passive rook at KRl isexchanged for the active Black rook at QB l).It was essential to preserveone pair of rooks by 23.R(B4)-B2 followed by.P-QN4, whenof hBlack has hopes of making something is initiative.24 PxP PxP 27 K-B3 RxR25 RxR RxR 28 NxR P-B426 R Bl N-Q4+the ite kingBlack limits the mob iii ty of Wh and the andknight at N3,KNP.KRP from his However,also cuts off White's thisis not su cientr a real advantage.K29 N-Q3 3 SPASSKY-KARPOV, 4 GAME37After 29.P-N5 30 N-KB1 N(Q2)-B3 31 N-K3 K-Q3 32 P-N3,by exchanging his KRP r Black's QNP, White again obtains an equalending.30 P-R4!The simplest way to a draw.By diverting the Black king to the Q-side,White achieves essential simplificatio on the K-side.n30.K-N5P xP 33 N-B731 PxP N(Q2)-B3 34 N-Q8 N-B2232 N 5 K-B4 35 NThe QRP is no weaker than Black's KP.35.NxP 37 N(Q8) xP N-1 [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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